It's Saturday, it's Aldershot, it's time for to play session 10 of our Evils of Illmire campaign after a 2 month break!
New friends Drawn by tales of lost ancient wealth and the lure of riches, the King's Highway had brought another treasure hunter to the gloomy surrounds of Illmire. Berto the dwarf stepped off a coach at the town limits and wandered into The Inn of the Weary Wagoner. Speaking with the locals he soon discovered other like-minded individuals could be found in Illmire. It did not take Berto long to find them and become a member of their band.
One Ring In their possession, our heroes had a gold ring engraved with 'PJ' and suspected that it might belong to the Jardan family. A crisp but hazy morning lay ahead when they walked over to the Jarden home. The door was answered by young Emira.
Our heroes spoke with her, explaining that they had encountered zombies at the mines and the ring had been found on one of them, Emira confirmed that the ring had belonged to her father - Ferdnick. She was sad to learn that her father had become a zombie but glad he was now 'at rest'. Our heroes also told Emira they had encountered Father Rand in the mine and told her not to trust him. A look of confusion crossed the girl's face as it was apparent she did not know what to make of it!
Next; after some discussion on their next step, our heroes decided to head out to the gecko fens and see if they could find anything there. Illmire dwindled over the horizon as for a couple of hours our heroes marched through the lonely, scattered farmlands until they reached the flat wetlands populated by geckos, low persistent vegetation and stubborn flora.
Not long into the fens and a thunderous rolling crack filled the air, so voluminous it was, that it seemed to break the very sky. The ground trembled beneath our heroes' feet in response as they turned to watch a spreading blackness mar the north-eastern sky. Soot coloured and flame-orange underlit clouds boiled over the horizon, a growing darkness that was scarred by flickers of abrupt, jagged lightning that intermittently lit the view from beyond the skyline.
Whatever this new thing was, our heroes decided to investigate and set off on this new heading.
Course alteration For a time our heroes slogged north-easterly, occasional tremors rippled across the land as the flat gecko fens became an undulating line across the horizon behind the, and they found themselves back in the familiar sparsely vegetated and forested foothills that contained the mine.
Lightning flashed and thunder cracked as our heroes followed a faint game trail that ran through a small dried up gully. All the while, billowing black clouds continued to loom above as they pressed on. So ominous were these clouds that our heroes failed to spot zombies lurking within the confines of dense thickets! The undead shuffled out, issuing breathless moans as they lurched to attack.
Despite being caught wrong-footed, our heroes managed to defeat the unliving evil and Brother Steve discovered that the pick they had found on Ferdnick Jardan was a fine weapon indeed.
Undeterred, our heroes continued. Soon though, they saw something that stopped them in their tracks. Ahead, they spied a ribbon of incandescent orange meandering between the low hills: A stream of lava was inching southwards from the mountains afar, leaving shores of flame in its wake! Cautiously they approached; a palpable wall of heat preceded the flow. Cheery lobbed a small rock into the viscous magma stream, it bobbed for perhaps a moment before sinking downwards. Fortunately, the fiery path taken by the lava did not hinder our heroes’ journey and giving the stream a wide berth, continued.
With every step taken northwards, the sky seemed to dim. black clouds filling ever more of the sky. Reduced to a dim edgeless glowing haze, the sun barely penetrated the miasma. Eventually, foothills gave way to an uneven rocky landscape that sloped upwards to a volcano. Beyond the mountainous eruption was a pale vista of snow capped mountains that spanned from north-west to south-east in a short range.
Several rivulets of lava flowed down the slopes and as our heroes drew closer, they could see vast quantities of smoke and ash thrusted skywards to the cacophony of a constant dull roar with such force, they could feel the ground tremble. After some discussion, our heroes thought it not prudent to attempt to examine the volcano today and headed back to Illmire.
Down down in farming town Soon our heroes found themselves following a scarcely visible trail southwards through the rises and falls of the foothills. The way ahead was clear but unexpectedly, with the crash of disturbed fauna, Wensley gave a yelp and disappeared! He had strayed off the trail a little and stumbled into a crevice obscured by thick foliage. It was a thirty foot drop and on the gloomy crevice floor was Wensley’s contorted and unmoving could be seen by the others. Quickly our heroes attached a line to Brother Steve and lowered him into the crevice where he stabilised Wensley. The slanting afternoon sunlight barely reached the floor here and in the half-light Brother Steve searched around, detritus had piled up over years but even so he managed to spot something. Among the debris were the skeletal, remains of some long dead poor soul whose flesh, sinew and skin had been consumed by nature and whose clothing even had succumbed to decay. Yet, somehow a crumpled sheet of vellum gripped in one bony fist had survived. Curiosity piqued, Brother Steve prised it free and took it. Once Wensley had recovered his wits, the pair of them were pulled by rope back to the surface.
Written on the sheet in the common tongue was a deed granting ownership of a farmstead in the locales of Illmire. Our heroes realised their return to the town would take them close to the property listed on the deed. It was a small diversion, they decided.
A couple of hours later and our heroes found themsleves cutting through unmanaged fields of swaying, tall yellow-topped wheat and low verdant vegetables. Soon enough they found themselves at what was one of numerous long abandoned and overgrown homestands which dotted the arable land surrounding Illmire.
The farmstead and its few small outbuildings were smoke-coloured patches of ruin that marred the wild and unkempt greenery which had encroached upon the small holding over time. Years of weather driven erosion and neglect had decomposed the farmstead’s timber roof, causing it to collapse inwards, exposing the oak frame and resulting in an uneven rain-damaged interior filled with grime covered piles of rubble and dusty old cutlery and crockery. Rot stained exterior walls with their faded sheens of varnish fared little better. Our heroes did not expect to find much when they undertook a perfunctory search and were not surprised to find nothing of value - the previous holder of the deed had perished long ago. Making a note to return, they continued on to Illmire.
As our heroes crossed the limits into Illmire, afternoon was beginning to give way to dusk as the sun inextricably crawled towards the western horizon. Lightning and rumbling tremors had abated while a wide band of persistent fiery orange lit the dimmering northern sky. The lava flows had not reached as far as Illmire, even so the town simmered with talk of eruptions and volcanoes. Our heroes spoke with the townsfolk and discovered Mount Slagmaw as the volcano was named had been known to the people bust hadn’t erupted in decades and only the oldest residents had any recollection of it.
Red dawn at morning A typical early dawn Illmire mist had encroached on the settlement as trappers and fisherman marched off to their hunting grounds. The morning was muted with no evidence of any further volcanic activity. Our heroes made the decision to return to Mount Slagmaw.
Hours passed as they slogged north, mists burned away to reveal an endlessly cerulean sky hosting an unforgiving sun. Farmland merged into sparsely vegetated hills which in turn became an uneven rugged subalpine landscape that would eventually ascend to the now looming Mount Slagmaw itself.
Following a faint trail out of the foothills, our heroes’ attention was drawn a prominent rocky outline silhouetted against the mountainous background with a shape that seemed unnatural and out of place.
Closer inspection revealed the barely visible granite remains of an unknowable building. Much of it had been enshrouded by time while layers of aged dirt caked the few stones that still stood. Sifting through the detritus, our heroes found a stash of weapons forged of obsidian, broken and snapped beyond use, save for one sword which Cheery took possession of.
Our heroes continued, by midday they found themselves at the sloping base of Mount Slagmaw, waves of heat blanketed them as they observed soot coloured plumes lazily billowing upwards from the destination of the rocky ascent ahead. It was an unchallenging but fatiguing climb and soon enough, they found themselves at the lip of the active volcano.
A scorching heat-saturated breeze tugged persistently at our heroes while a dull roar accompanied the searing endless updraft and the air was thick with a sulphurous odour. A jaggedly uneven rim perimetered the laval filled basin below.
Between the rising smoke and wavering air, they struggled to see anything but peering inwards, our heroes were shocked to barely make out what seemed like the frontage of a building! Raised above the lava-line, incredibility. was a small plateau flush against the inside of the volcano mouth, an obsidian portico was carved out of the very wall the plateau was attached to, it led into the mountainside and out of sight. Our heroes struggled to see a way down. The interior was too steep to climb and too deep for a rope so instead they chose precariously manoeuvre round the unpredictable rim. For a time they managed to circle the volcano, looking for an alternate way into this mysterious building without success. However, during their walking, they had failed to spot an almost imperceptible seam in the rockface that ran across their path. Cheery and Ari were unwittingly caught in a viscous blast of superheated steam that abruptly vented through the seam. Despite the injuries suffered, our heroes pressed on. Eventually they found a vantage point that allowed them to see a treacherously narrow sloping path that clung to the interior of the volcano and led to the plateau and the portico.
Our heroes were in no state to approach the portico, deciding to return to the foot of Mount Slagmaw and recuperate.
Three 13s means... volcanic eruption!
Baptism of fire For a time they rested in the mountain’s shadow and the stark isolated loneliness that surrounded the volcano, aware that few living things would venture so close. Other than the subdued rumblings it projected, there was little other noise. Now rested, our heroes turned back to Mount Slagmaw.
Upon their ascent back up the mountainous slope, our heroes caught sight of a faint incandescent orange glow to one side. Cautiously approaching, they saw a giant fiery looking reptilian - a fire salamander basking in the volcanic heat, scaled skin flickering dimly as it slowly turned its head to stare askance at our heroes with alien eyes. They were concerned it would attack them at an opportune moment and decided to remove the threat. Wensley loosed an arrow at it while Brother Steve and Cheery closed for melee. The beast was unperturbed by Wensley’s arrow and an intense burning heat scorched both Brother Steve and Cheery as they closed with the salamander. Their blows having no effect, even the obsidian sword could not pierce its skin. In return, the salamander lashed out at them. After another exchange of blows, our heroes quickly realised this monster was beyond them and fled, loping down the slope to make distance between them. Our heroes did not encounter any obstacles on the return to Illmire and took some well needed rest for the remainder of the day.
Just another lizard hunt Another misty Illmire dawn came around. Our heroes rose to the early rosy band on the eastern horizon being the only morning light and took the opportunity to speak with the trappers and hunters before they made for the gecko fens. The trapper knew little of salamanders, only that they lingered in Mount Slagmaw’s heat, were poisonous and to be avoided.
A little time passed and our heroes headed to the young couple Deela and Lanham who ran the town’s mill. The couple were happy to speak with them and our heroes spoke of their encounters in the mine and with Father Rand. They were shocked to hear the news but not too surprised. Lanham had always been suspicious of Rand.
Next; our heroes went to the carpenters. Both Ruskin and his son, Buel were present, giving our heroes cold, almost unwelcoming stares as they walked up. Wendelaine could be seen quietly going about some housework. There was some conversation between them all. Our heroes explained that they had just come into possession of a smallholding close to Illmire with a dilapidated old farmstead and outbuildings that were in need of repair. Ruskin responded neutrally, informing our heroes that he could give them a quote once he had viewed the property in quest and said they should come back tomorrow.
Brother Steve asked Ruskin what he thought about the deaths of the Jorrid and his family? Ruskin was neutral about it. Brother Steve asked Ruskin if he was a god-fearing man? Ruskin was neutral about it.
Next: Our heroes went and spoke with Magnus the blacksmith. They asked him if he could do anything with the obsidian shards they had found. He looked the shards over with a practicised sceptical expression and told them his forge could not produce the heat required to work with the obsidian and they would need a much hotter forge…
Next: Our heroes marched out of town, the geck fens, their destination. Past homesteads and smallholdings they walked until farmed land turned to untamed boggy wetlands populated with insect-filled ponds and lush marshy pools. Wildlife was abundant, birds circled overhead and geckoes could be seen basking in the late morning sun. A scan of the flatish horizon revealed a small band of four gecko-trappers a mile away. Our heroes asked if the trappers would accompany them to the hole they had discovered in the fens but the trappers did not think it a good idea.
Our heroes embarked on the march to the gecko hole, positioned on a raised plane and adjacent to the only visible feature in the fens; the ruined roof of some building that had been swallowed by the wetlands, untold years ago.
Soon they had arrived at the bowl shaped depression with an opening that led into darkness below. Half a dozen or so of the giant beasts were sprawled across the interior of the bowl. Our heroes decided to attack them, opening with a volley of arrows. It was a brutal fight, despite the appearance of languishing in the midday sun sluggishly, the giant geckoes fought viciously. Our heroes emerged victoriously but several of them had taken heavy wounds.
Following some rest and recovery, our heroes decided to investigate the ruins. It was clear to them that the building had suffered some sort of subsidence. For a time Brother Steve worked at the exposed roof with his pick. It was hard going and the roof seemed to be composed of hardened blocks in a style that dated back centuries. Eventually though as the day was drawing on, he managed to break through and after peering though was dismayed to see that marshy peat and earth had enveloped whatever open space there might have been there.
As our heroes returned to Illmire, the day’s shadows where lengthening while a reddening sunset lit the roofs and walls of the town in faint hues of orange. They went to Ruskin the carpenter and spoke with him. Ruskin told them he could repair the roof and the building but it would take time. His price did not seem exorbitant and our heroes paid him a deposit for his troubles.
Cut from the same cloth Hazy morning came again and our heroes went to the towns’s weaver. It was a typical Illmire shop; the frontage of a slightly rundown timber home converted into a storefront. Inside they found various sorts of cotton and linen products for sale. A tired looking man with a pallid complexion called Arthik managed the store and sold some goods to our heroes without cheer or enthusiasm.
Our heroes left the weaver’s store and following much discussion decided to return to the abandoned mine.
In too deep Our heroes went north, and after a couple of hours travel were back in the now somewhat familiar undulating landscape of dried up ravines, sparse vegetation and sporadically forested hills. Soon they were at the mine’s entrance, a dark opening into a hillside.
Within the confines of the mine, only inky blackness seemed to exist beyond the reach of their wavering lantern. Swaying shadows slid across the rocky surfaces as our heroes marched on. Quickly they encountered the streaming light that blazed into the chamber via the vertical shaft that had been cut through the hill. Through it, they could see open sky above. There was no way to scale the shaft but then our heroes realised they could climb the hill itself.
It was an easy ascent and our heroes found the opening for the shaft easily enough in the exposed hill face. Beyond it they saw what was a ramshackle work camp that included a pair of crude, weather worn and tin-walled shacks scattered up the hillside. ‘The mines or the poorhouse, take your pick,’ stated a flattened old sign beside the shaft. The camp appeared unoccupied.
Exploring the camp, our heroes found little of note: Desiccated remains of half a miner were discovered in the first shack. Past that they found winching gear at the opening to the mine’s second shaft. The winch was adjacent to a larger shack. It was provisioned with spoiled food supplies and various tools, picks, ropes, work tops and supplies and the like. Two bottles of liquor were discovered after further searching.
With nothing else to explore at the camp, our heroes decided upon returning to the mine and soon were back in its black embrace. Cautiously they pressed onward into the mine until they reached the second shaft. Further searching revealed nothing new, our heroes were certain they had explored the area at the bottom of the shaft and also the upper floor they could see further up the shaft. Instead they decided to continue into the mines until they reached the smallish chamber with the steps that upwards.
The first they knew something was wrong was when Brother Steve, Ari and Berto enduring searing agony, seeing thin silver-grey strips caught in yellow lantern light seemingly dancing between them. Folded into darkness had been an unseen assailant. Lunging forward, the attacker struck at our heroes with twin daggers in a swirl of their hooded cloak. Ari immediately went down. Brutal fighting ensued, caught on the back foot, our heroes were unprepared for the violent flurry of attacks that rained down on them. Wensley could see his companions being felled and fled back they way they had came into the darkness, only Berto still stood. Not for long though as he could not withstand the full fury of the assailant’s blows.
As he hid in the enveloping darkness, Wensley heard the padding of running footsteps pass him. He waited but a moment before returning to the chamber. Half lit by the strange light of a tumbled lantern was a scene of carnage, all of Wensley’s companions were sprawled across the stoney floor. Unhesitatingly, Wensley managed to rouse Brother Steve who prayed for the succour to save his fellow adventurers. He was in luck, as were they and their wounds stabilised.
Our heroes were gravely injured and in dire need of recovery. Figuring the mine was safer than the wilderness beyond, they rested a short while. Later, they scouted the mine entrance, braced for an ambush as they exited but none came. Nursing their wounds, they laboriously marched back to Illmire without encountering any trouble and headed for the inn for some much needed convalescence.
I forgot to take many photos during the session, so here's a photo of Rex instead!