It's time for session 12 of the Evils of Illmire session in Aldershot.
The earliest glimpse of a rosy dawn sun, diffused and indistinct behind the rolling morning fog had climbed above the eastern horizon as our heroes roused themselves. Quickly dressed and equipped, they set forth from gloomy Illmire which itself had barely begun to stir. South-west they marched and the sombre town promptly fell away, claimed by whitish haze as they threaded their way along the gap between silent shady forest to the east and mist-capped sluggish lake waters to the west. Eventually they found themselves pressing on through verdantly carpeted woodland that skirted the briar infested southern reaches. From there entered forested hills dotted with vegetation and crumbled ruins of a civilisation lost to ages and now utterly uninhabited with only melancholic birdsong and the irregular rustle of forest for company. Mid morning was upon our heroes as they reached their destination - the sparse earthy hill that rose distinctly above the surrounding woods which they had encountered before and the hill that contained the mysterious steps that led into darkness below…
At the entrance.
A stone lined stairway tapered off into void beyond the lantern light as our heroes descended. Above them, the ceiling sagged precariously, splitting the tiles with crumbling lines of earth. Again the grimy dirt caked steps felt peculiar underfoot. Cheery bent low and with some effort, scraped away a patch of the caked earth, revealing steps made of bones, human bones. Undeterred, our heroes pressed on and eventually the stairs levelled out into a passage that ended in the same skull lined chamber they had arrived at before.
Three ways out could be seen and along the southern wall; a door was visible. Our heroes approached and shoved it open.
The door swung into a smoky under lit room. Before our heroes could bring their lantern to bear, movement erupted from inky corners. Figures robed in fluttering black cloaks lunged forward brandishing weapons. Cultists! There were three of the insidious enemies here. Two of them charged into melee while to the rear, the third stood back gripping a crossbow.
The battle went well for our heroes and they dispatched the cultists without suffering much injury.
The room was squarish and stone-lined much as the other rooms here, there were no exits. However, the room did contain a cot decorated in peeling colour and topped by stained, thinning blankets - at least one individual slept here. At the foot of the cot our heroes discovered a locked box Little was to be found on the cultists’ bodies, save for the one who had been to the rear. On her they found a grisly necklace with a rotted finger for pendant, a high quality crossbow and a key.
Opening the box revealed a diamond ring and a pouch of coins. Brother Steve took the necklace, adding it to his now growing collection of grisly necklaces. Berto meanwhile, hefted the crossbow, it seemed well balanced for steady aim, he decided to add it to his kit.
A wide corridor headed west, further ahead and also along the southern wall was another door. Again, it led into a smallish room. Here, all sides bulged inwards alarmingly while enormous grey-brown tree roots, ancient, and gnarled had split the ceiling, dangling down to a floor peppered with fallen masonry and stone. Entering the chamber, our heroes began exploring. Almost immediately, they caught sight of brief, flickering movement. Undulating through the detritus and rubble were snakes.
With terrifying ease the serpents navigated the uneven terrain to pounce on our heroes who were on the back foot. A desperate battle ensued as our heroes fought to keep the poisonous beasts at bay. By the end of it, Wensley was senseless and slumped on the rocky floor, veins surging with venom having suffered a bite from one of the creatures. Brother Steve quickly stabilised his wound and brought him round.
Our heroes searched the chamber and as they began sifting through the piled stone, nudged one of the roots, a shower of dust blanketed them, followed an instant later by several dislodged dirt streaked rocks from the precarious ceiling. Berto and an unfortunate Wensley were struck by the falling stone. With utmost caution, our heroes continued searching. They found Nothing of value save for a single curio: A small silver statuette shaped in the style of a raccoon. Pocketing it, they continued exploring.
Following the wide passageway again, our heroes came to a third door, as anonymous as any other. It opened into another stone lined passageway, this time narrower and single continuing south. Brother Steve took point and our heroes crept on cautiously. Their slow pace afforded them an extensive look at close by stonework in wavering yellowish lamplight. It was unremarkable, plain even. Our heroes noted however, evidence of the same bulging walls and sagging ceiling that seemed to afflict the entire complex. The corridor led to a corner and then another, finally taking our heroes down two flights of stairs and ending at a stone door.
There were no handles, keyholes or ways to open it - that much was obvious. Holding their lantern close to the door our heroes examined it. Sitting in the centre of the doors top half was a circular indentation, Brother Steve peered closer. Shadows, dim and irregular were present at the back of the indentation, betraying some sunken relief. Moving the lantern to shift shadows, Brother Steve concentrated hard, finally realising the relief displayed the image of a raccoon.
What significance did the raccoon have in this place our heroes wondered briefly? Unwilling to devote time to unfounded speculation, they decided to leave the stone door for now and returned up the steps. Walking back to the wide corridor, they continued exploring west.
Soon the wide corridor ended in a junction, one way turned north, the other south. Our heroes took the southern corridor. Almost immediately after turning a corner, steps led down. They paused, then went back to the junction. Lower areas would have to wait, they decided.
The north passageway quickly went west and following it, our heroes encountered a door flanked by a pair of apparently unoccupied alcoves facing each other along the walls. Unlit and dark, they appeared curiously empty when our heroes carefully shone light into them. The door was not locked and led into a black chamber.
Shadows fled into the furthest corners before the approaching lantern light; another sagging stone lined chamber. Yet here, the lantern light played across surfaces with an undulating unevenness that wheeled into indecipherable patterns. It was, our heroes realised, the effect that came from a reflecting body of water in the southern part of the room.
Clearly a man made poo that dominated half the room, its purpose unknowable, the waters were opaque, impenetrable in the dim light, displaying a milky grey quality that gleamed under the lantern’s flame. An odorous smell lingered over the surface. Brother Steve cautiously sloshed his booted foot through the water, it appeared to behave as water should, his boot seemed unaffected.
Ari scrabbled through her bag, produced a rolled up sock and threw it into the pool. Our heroes watched intently as it bobbed about on the surface.
Cheery took his pole and swirled it into the water, the pool seemed empty, upon tapping the bottom he found it was perhaps no more than two feet deep.
Wensley became impatient and scooped up some of the water to drink. He was surprised to find the water was moderately hot? Wensley drank the water, it was plain water but somehow had an indiscernible tang to it?
After some brief discussion, Wensley dropped into the pool with a reverbing sposh, warm waves of murky water rippled and lapped about him at mid thigh height. He walked the length of the pool, it did not seem to deepen at either end. It seemed to Wensley the pool was empty, then he felt his leg brush something. Instantaneously, he felt something grip his ankle! Before he could react, a stinging pain erupted from his calf. He frantically waded and lunged for the edge of the pool, hauling his waterlogged form free of the pool. A claw-like disembodied hand had clasped his ankle while a malicious decaying head was energetically biting his leg with discoloured teeth. The others crowded Wensley and numerous quick blows dispatched the head and hand.
Once our heroes had gathered their wits, they methodically searched the pool ,other body parts were discovered and were dealt with. Among this gruesome detritus was a gold necklace embellished with a raccoon shaped gold pendant.
Two doors led out, north and west. The west door opened to a narrow passageway that headed straight south into the darkness. Our heroes followed it for a short way before their light revealed descending steps. Returning to the pool room, our heroes next took the north door.
It took them into another junction, ahead was another door in the north wall and to the east, a passageway which melted into the unlit distance.
Our heroes opened the door and found themselves in a weird chamber. Blanketed across the entirety of the walls were a layer of skulls, countless inane rictus grins caught in the lantern’s fluttering glow welcomed them into the room. Hollow, shadowed eye sockets shifted to follow them in the swaying light, or so it seemed? Peering into the room, they spied a rusted iron javelin tip embedded in some poor soul’s cracked skull. The chamber split into two paths heading east and west before both went north.
Our heroes chose the west path and walked into the room… a few seconds later there was an abrupt violent clicks broke the silence as several of them experienced intense bursts of pain. Numerous javelins had flown hitherto unseen from small gaps between the rows of skulls, triggered, it seemed, by certain flagstones. Several of our heroes were struck and poison soon coursed through their veins. Fortune was with them though and none suffered heavy injury.
They stood unmoving with the knowledge that any further steps might release more javelins. Our heroes then scrutinised the area about them with agonisingly slow caution until they recognised that some flagstones were ever so slightly higher than others. Then with great caution, they managed to navigate the rest of the chamber which ultimately led to a door on the eastern side.
Beyond was yet another stone lined chamber, this time with an exit in the opposite corner. Roots, ancient looking and gnarled, had intruded through the ancient ceiling here while thick, verdant dangling vines lay half draped across the floor. A pair of sarcophagus were readily apparent, one against the north wall while the second was against the south.
Our heroes were greeted with a ominous grinding noise upon entering the room, weapons in hand. The sarcophagus lids began sliding and then tumbling off. Instantly, a skeletal figure rose from each, gripping ancient weapons and with lifeless malevolence, they glared at our heroes from eyeless sockets, then charged
The battle was brief, blows were exchanged and our heroes stood victorious at the end. There was little else of interest here and they pressed on.
The door in the opposite corner took them into an unlit oblong chamber. In the wavering light, our heroes’ eyes were irresistibility drawn to another stone sarcophagus, only larger this time and also decorated with a blanket of elaborately carved patterns and indecipherable symbology. They knew what was coming as the lid began to move; it opened and from it emerged a skeletal figure of enormous proportion wielding an equally massive sword. Behind the monster iridescent coloured light seemingly slid across the interior of the now opened sarcophagus, a lustrous glow was radiating from within! With a menacing leer frozen on its fleshless grinning visage, the skeleton lunged for our heroes.
They imagined an expression of rage crossing the half-lit shadowy skull face as it closed. The fight was brief and brutal, Brother Steve was knocked senseless in the opening rounds but the other heroes rallied and pressed the fight. Soon the giant skeleton had been destroyed.
Eagerly, our heroes examined the sarcophagus. They discovered jewels; emeralds, rubies, sapphire and more, a horde of precious stones that glittered in the light. Cheery could find no traps, Wensley meanwhile, grabbed one, turning it over in his hand. His elven affinity to sorcery told him there was more to the precious stones than appeared but nothing more. It did not dissuade our heroes though and quickly they scooped their spoils into a sack. There were no other ways out of this room, our heroes retraced their steps.
The last battle had taken much out of our heroes, they realised and recuperation was needed. The room in which they had encountered the cultist was deemed the safest, it even had a cot, albeit an unsavoury one. Once the cot had been dragged behind the the door and the room had been secured, our heroes dumped their weapons in a corner, divested themselves of their armour and settled down in the cool, gloomy room. The silence was crushingly oppressive. Respite did not come so easy though, especially for Brother Steve, rest was elusive, he could not easily concentrate on his rituals, he found himself haunted by bizarre images in the reaches of his imagination, soon they seemed to invade his waking mind. Visions of his own death swam before his eyes. The situation only worsened. A while later Cheery began suffering the affliction, then too did Ari. Our heroes were unsure of the cause but suspected it was related to the jewels somehow. Ari was certain it was some sort of curse.
Our heroes finished resting but remained unrefreshed. The continuing strange visions had taken a toll, leaving them in low spirits and a dour mood as they considered their next action. After some discussion, it was agreed that it was likely the jewels were under some curse. Brother Steve, Cheery and Ari returned to the final sarcophagus chamber and with bitter, great reluctance made sure to return every, last, stone. The trio marched back to the cultist’s room, much to their relief, it did not take long for the maddening visions to abate.
Now in better sorts, our heroes exited the cultists’ room into the darkness beyond. There were two as yet unexplored passageways in the north wall, our heroes took the unlit west path and found they converged into one, continuing north.
It shortly led into another typical chamber and here they found rubble strewn across the floor, however, while the stone-lined ceiling drooped alarmingly beneath some great weight, it was intact, th rubble was something else. Our heroes could see that some rocky fragments had been reconstituted into a facsimile of its original form; a table decorated with a carving that resembled a stylised gecko? They realised the remaining rubble might also be the broken parts of another stone tablet. With some time and effort they managed to rearrange the rubble into their original shapes, there were several tablets. Carvings of raccoon, eel, wyvern salamander could be recognised. For a short while our heroes vainly pondered what it all meant but could not come to a conclusion.
It also became apparent to them that they were in need of recuperation. They took the bone-stairs back up to the surface, surprised to find themselves under a reddish gloaming sky, the dusty, fetid air of the complex they had acclimatised to now replaced by the cool deciduous fragrance of the burgeoning forest. Night was descending, whittling away birdsong, leaving only the occasional rustle of wild grass disturbed by nocturnal fauna passing through the deepening landscape
Our heroes hurriedly descended the hill, finding a small secluded dell ringed by foliage and trees. They settled for the night and rested. Dawn came, the changing temperature brought energetic zephyrous winds which sighed through swaying branches and rippled the greenery and our heroes departed for Illmire. Slogging through for broken terrain, forest and plain for several hours until the palisades of the town eventually came into view.