27th November 2022 It's a Sunday and we're logged into Board Game Arena for some gaming fun. Have you ever gone to a cat café or wanted to go to one? According to Cat Café the game, if you're at one of these establishments you're meant to try and attract as many cats as possible! How is this done? By getting mouse toys, balls of yarn and so on to lure them over. Of course the actual best way to attract cats is to set up a board game with lots of components, then you'll attract every one for miles around! Caveat: We've only played this game digitally. What's in a game?
What art does appear in the game can be found on the sheets and there's a definite charm to those hand-drawn styled cartoonish cat illustrations and icons. Speaking of icons, nearly all the game's iconography is briefly explained on the sheet itself, there isn't too much of it and I can't imagine it proving a problem to learn. How's it play? Setup
On to play During the game players will be drafting dice and then using the results to draw 1 of 6 symbols on the cat towers. Cat Café is played in 2 phases and uses a typical turn structure for the first phase while the second can be played out by all players simultaneously.
Endgame As soon as any player has completed their 3rd tower, the game ends on that round and goes to scoring. Cat Café has several ways to score.
Points are tallied, highest score wins. Overall
For me, Cat Café is a bit of a mixed bag. I'm always a fan of games that have streamlined, elegant mechanics and there's definitely some of that to Cat Café but here it seems like sometime it comes at the price of choice. Sometimes the choices feel meaningful, sometimes they don't. Players will get to choose a die (And sometimes not even that!) then draft it, after that they'll get a 2 options on how to use those dice, or pass. For example: A player may get a '1' and a '5', this means they could put a cushion on level 1 but that's a waste of a cushion (Ideally, you'd want it higher.). Alternatively they could put a cat house on level 5 which introduces a new conundrum; is this a good time to play a cat house? In the early game they won't score many VPS and are much more valuable to play in the late game - provided the number comes up again. All of this gives players several things to think about and sounds good - which it is to an extent but it's also hard to try and plan moves ahead when luck can play such a haphazard role, sure, the appropriate use of paws can mitigate bad luck to a degree but even so, it can be frustrating not getting the numbers needed. It means players will need to adapt and react to their results as they get them to gain optimal scoring and not rely on getting results they want later unless they have of course acquired a sizable amount of paws. Next is scoring: Cat Café employs a fairly broad criteria for scoring with different avenues to approach in acquiring VPs. E.g., the mouse toy scores points for gathering the same type of symbol together while the food bowl scores by gathering different symbols. This mechanic has been utilised in other games and is understandable here, where players at times will find themselves at the mercy of the dice and have to change what they were going to do. However, with some scoring occurring mid game and the rest after the end, it does make scoring a little bit too intricate and involved, especially for a game this light. Having said all of that, I'm probably overthinking everything. Cat Café is a lightweight, family friendly game with a cute cat theme. It's not too hard to pick up and while decisions can be fairly limited they do tend to be meaningful. There's also a dollop of luck to add some unpredictability. It would be a good choice for younger players but perhaps would need someone older to manage the scoring. For me, I found it a little too simplistic and unengaging as well as slightly frustrating.
22nd November 2022 Tuesday is here again and that means we're with the Woking Gaming Club at The Sovereigns for a evening of gaming. Space... is it the final frontier? I mean it's pretty large with enough room for separate civilisations to expand without impinging on each other's territory. Except in Cosmic Encounter, it's not! Players take on the roles of one of numerous alien civilisations with the purpose of invading other player's planets in this game of bidding and bluffing. What's in a game?
The component quality is all good, the tiles and tokens are made of suitably sturdy board while cards are average. The spaceships are plastic with a nice bit of detail and being able to stack them keeps the game area relatively clutter free. In terms of art direction, the tiles are colourful and mostly space-themed with the planet tiles looking like well, planets. The hyperspace and warp tiles are appropriately cosmic looking. Artwork is used sparingly on cards with space (SIC) given over to text instead. For the most part, illustrations are reserved for the alien sheets and used to represent the various different alien races. This artwork is fairly good with a lot of diverse and interesting sci-fi artwork. Cosmic Encounter has little in the way of iconography, numbers are used on encounter cards but otherwise text is used to convey information. Nothing here is tricky to understand How's it play? Setup
On to play In Cosmic Encounter players will be trying to create colonies on other players' home systems in the form of land their spaceships on those planets while also preventing their own system from being colonised. The game employs a traditional turn order with the active player resolving their turn before the game progresses to the player on their left. Each turn consists of 6 phases.
Endgame The first player to reach 5 on the score tracker wins! Because of alliances and such, it is possible for more than one player to reach the 5 score at once. if this is the case, all those players share the victory. Overall
Mechanically, Cosmic Encounter is straightforward, at its core it's essentially a single blind bid auctioning game albeit one where players bid within the constraints of their limited hand of encounter cards in order to win encounters On a basic level, a player only has to win 5 bids to win the game. There is of course more to it than that. It's vital that players will have to exploit the stronger cards in their hand and mitigate the risk from weaker cards. High value cards are obviously useful because they can win encounters but weak cards can also have a use. A low value card can be used as a bluff or ruse to flush out an opponent's higher value card, potentially altering what a later outcome might be. Or, if a player think's they're going to lose, why not throw the lowest value card into the mix? Negotiate cards can also prove useful when a player knows they are going to lose and can be used to not only fill their hand but deplete the cards of an opponent. Managing the luck of the draw is vital for victory. The alien sheets can throw some real curveballs into the game and how players behave. Some of the sheets provide some really radical changes to strategies. For example; in one game I played as the 'Spiff' who have the ability can crash land a spaceship on a planet if they are a part of an attack that loses badly. It suddenly introduced a whole new dynamic into attacks which involved the Spiff (And I involved the Spiff with as many attacks as I could!) because defending players were now faced with the conundrum of having to worry about winning too big which might mean playing a lower value card instead and the risk of doing that meant that they might just flat out lose if I played a high value card! Choices, choices! With 50 different alien sheets available in the base game (With more in expansions.) it means there will be a lot of variation in games and a lot of unique interactions from game-to-game. The rules for the destiny deck can also throw a curveball into the game. I feel one of the primary purposes of the destiny deck is prevent a 'pick on a player' tactic and in this regard it does it well. It also means that game has constant shifting alliances, 2 players have been allies in a previous turn but the destiny deck could quickly have one targeting the other in the next run. This brings me to the next thing that's really strong in Cosmic Encounter; which is player interactivity. Players will be bidding and bluffing against each other, forming temporary alliances, looking to exploit their abilities and take advantage of their unique ability and circumstances as they might arise. I also think that the quality of the experience the game provides will in part rely on the people playing it. If players buy into the somewhat boisterous, confrontational and luck-based gameplay, then it'll be a positive, enjoyable experience. I will add that this game has a lot direct confrontation between players and a hefty dose of 'take that' that goes on as well. If you find this sort of thing unappealing, it's probably a safe bet to say that you won't like this game and to be fair, sometimes I'm not in the mood for this kind of game. Otherwise, it's hard to find fault with Cosmic Encounter, the rules are quick to learn and presents players which meaningful decisions to make whenever they attack or have to defend - which is reasonably often, they'll also be faced with whether to join alliances or not and deal with the outcome of those decisions. Cosmic Encounters is a lot of fun to play and worth trying. 19th November 2022
Saturday 19th of November was the day of Wogglecon 5, a micro-con in Bisley with members of the Woking Gaming Club where we can get together for a whole day of gaming - and also raise a little money for the Bisley scouts. During Wogglecon 5, we played the following games. Cascadia Altiplano 19th November 2022 It's a Saturday morning and we're at Bisley for Wogglecon 5 'It's a alive!' - a day of gaming goodness and a bit of charity. Have you ever fancied travelling South American highlands with nothing but a cart of goods to keep you company, going from place to place, hunting for fish, chopping down trees, trading and so forth. If the answer is yes, then maybe Altiplano is the game for you. What's in a game? Altiplano has a whole shedload of components, so here we go!
Right, I think that's it for components. Altiplano's components are for the most part solidly made, the tokens, boards and tiles are constructed of thick card and feel sturdy. The containers made of equally sturdy material but are supplied as flat components that need to need folded into their shape. They sort of clip together but some of them had a tendency to break open. It's not a problem really and nothing that a dab of PVA glue wouldn't solve but even so, it feels a little like a cheap oversight. Cards are pretty average but also smaller than typical cards which allows them to fit on the tiles. Finally, the meeples and cubes all feel like nice wooden components. Altiplano is a game with a South American theme and consequently has a South American folk art themed art style to it. There's a lot of bright solid colours with stylised line art that mixes with slightly cartoony illustrations to be found on the tokens, cards, board and tiles. It's all solid artwork, brash and colourful which is how I like it. The only criticism I have is for the colour schemes for the cloth and wool tokens, which in less than good light can look similar. Between all the location actions, tokens, extension tile actions and so on, there's quite a lot of iconography to Altiplano. Luckily, much of it is intuitive and easily comprehended but some of it will - particularly the extension tiles - will require referring to the rulebook, fortunately it contains fairly extensive explanations. It's not a gamebreaker but there's definitely a bit of a learning curve here. How's it play? Setup
On to play In Altiplano players will be making plans to travel around the location tiles and use their goods to carry out the actions specific to those locations. This is done over 4 phases:
Endgame Play continues until one of the following 2 criteria are met. Any one location becomes fully emptied of all tokens, cards, etc. Or, a space along the extension strip cannot be filled, i.e., the extension tiles supply has emptied. In either instance, the current round is completed and 1 further round is played, then the game goes to scoring. VPs will come from a variety of sources.
Points are tallied, highest score wins. Overall
As you can see from the write up so far, there's quite a lot going on in Altiplano and a lot for players to think about. There's a recognisable quandary going on with the bag building mechanic. Players will naturally be looking to acquire tokens to carry out actions but invariably there will be times they end up getting pulled from the bag when they're not needed and unneeded tokens can 'water down' a player's strategies. Unwanted tokens can of course be left on planning spaces but most players will find that irritatingly suboptimal. Alternatively, they can placed on spaces for action that a player does not immediately want to perform but they will eventually end up coming back to again though. Another option albeit fairly situational, is to put them on to order cards, although removes the goods from the remainder of the game. Finally, they can be put into the warehouse, this means those tokens have greater scoring opportunities but again, permanently removes them from a player's container/bag which may or may not be a good thing. layers will have judge the merits of storing tokens contextually - except when dealing with glass tokens. The thing with glass tokens is that they don't produce any other type of token, all they do is produce the most VPs per token, storing them in the warehouse where they contribute to more VPs and declutter a player's bag is a no-brainer and usually I consider no-brainers a bad thing for a board game but I feel this is a deliberate decision on the part of the game - more on that below. If you've been paying attention (And I'm sure you have!) you will also have noticed that several goods such as a cacao, alpacas and even something that seems that it should be common such as fish cannot be produced from the action board. So how are these acquired? There's a couple of opportunities to get them, namely boat cards, extension tiles and possibly role tiles. However, this brings me to a bit of a bugbear I have with this scarcity mechanic. It means there can be a race by experienced players to get those hard-to-produce goods, particularly cacao which produces glass which can be worth so many VPs. In fact I feel the whole of the forest location is especially strong location since cacao alone is used there for 3 separate actions in the same location. A player who can produce cacao and concentrates on doing so can soon be producing lots of goods at the forest. Having said that, the game is a bit of a point salad with various avenues to scoring VPs, it's just that I feel going for glass is the strongest way and experienced players will end competing in that tactic. While the bulk of the game's activity takes place during the action phase, the planning phase is where players will do most of their well... planning. They'll look to optimise there actions to get the most out of their available tokens. Because players will generally need to move around to perform multiple actions, efficient use of the movement track is important, especially so in the early game when food tokens will be scarcer. A player can move their meeple before or after an action may make it seem unimportant but sometimes players will need to think ahead about where they need to be at the start of the next round. As well as having to think about movement and balancing their goods with their bags, players will also have to think about gaining extensions, house and order cards, as well as boat cards if they are needed. Add to this increasing their planning spaces and acquiring corn to fill out their warehouse and players have lot of ways to approach the game In this regard Altiplano does that thing which presents players with lots of options but frequently not enough opportunity to do everything they want, forcing them to make tricky decisions, which I consider a good thing in games. Altiplano is a mid-to-heavy game with a longish playtime, it's probably not for beginners and perhaps could be criticised for being a bit over-elaborate although personally I didn't find it that much of a problem In conclusion; the mechanics blend together to give players choices and essentially problems to solve in optimising their actions. If bag-building style games and resource management are your thing, Altiplano is worth a try. 11th November 2022 It's a Friday and I'm at the office in Woking for some end-of-week gaming fun. You know you can't go wrong when you're playing a board game set in Renaissance Italy. In this case it's Florence and about princes which is about as Renaissance as it gets! All you need are some Medici and Borgia to round it all off! In The Princes of Florence players take on the role of wealthy nobles trying to out do each other by enticing artist and scholars to their estates to create 'works' which in turn gives players bragging rights - which is what is important obviously. What's in a game?
All the components in The Princes of Florence are well made. The tokens and cards are what you'd expect. The tetramino tiles feel nice and sturdy, as do the game and player boards. Amusingly, the pawns are all wearing wide-brimmed hats, got to have some protection from that scorching Mediterranean sun! Broadly speaking there there are 2 art styles utilised in The Princes of Florence. Tiles, tokens and some of the player boards are decorated with full colour illustrations. They are quite stylised and almost simplistic illustrations but they are effective and feel appropriate for the setting. All the game's cards (Particularly the profession cards.) are illustrated with a sepia coloured line art style. It contrasts with the art style but also compliments it and again, is appropriate for the setting. The standout art-wise is the game board where nearly each space on the scoring track has its own unique illustration. It shows that little extra effort put into the presentation that shows care for the game which I appreciate. There's little in the way of iconography, mostly its appears on the player boards in the form of silhouetted tetramino shapes for buildings but even so, they are also labelled. Most information is relayed through text. Speaking of which... The game uses a distinct and flowery font for text. It looks suitable for a renaissance themed game but can be a little harder to read than it could be and also tends to make the player board and cards a little more complex then they actually are. It's a minor quibble and in no way a gamebreaker though. How's it play? Setup
On to play The Princes of Florence is played over 7 rounds. Each round is divided into an auctioning phase and an action phase. Auctions allow players to bid for items which will aid them during action phases. The action phase uses the usual turn structure with the active player taking their turn before play progresses to the player on their left.
Endgame Once the 7th round has been completed, the game goes to scoring. Players now reveal any prestige cards they've acquired and score them, adding whatever they're worth to their score on the game board. Points are tallied, highest score wins. Overall
In terms of gameplay, there's some nice mechanics going on. There's some interesting balancing that occurs with buildings. By virtue of their sizes, the larger buildings will be harder to fit in the grid and take up more room but they are wanted by more professions. Auctioning in particular is also well balanced. Because a player can only win 1 auction per round, it means someone who has a lot of cash cannot dominate all the proceedings. It means that every player can only ever get 1 object per round and it means that if a player has lost every auction and is the last player left in it, they can get any remaining object, unopposed and for just the cost of the opening bid. During the action phase, synchronicity is important. Getting landscapes, buildings, freedoms and professions that 'riff' off each is very useful. E.g., both the goldsmith and bell maker want a 'workshop, or both the theologian and painter want freedom of travel. Players will be looking to optimise their decisions especially when it comes to creating works which is a major source of income and potentially PPs. Why is this so important? The Princes of Florence only has 7 rounds, which is only 7 auctions and 14 actions! Even the most efficient of players will probably find themselves unable to do everything they want they want to do in the rounds given. This forces them to make difficult decisions which is generally a good thing. The Princes of Florence also has distinct early and late game states. Early on players will be looking to build up their estate, buildings, freedoms etc. In the late game they will likely be looking to create as many works as possible and convert them to PPs. If a player creates 2 works in a round, only the highest value one counts for end of round best work bonus but both will pay out Florins and consequently PPs. I suppose that The Princes of Florence is a sort of 'mid-weight' game and by that I mean a game that isn't too complex but probably has a bit too much going on to be a good introductory or crossover game. With having to win auctions to gain certain objects and cards, buildings to place, works to create and more, as well as having to consider how everything relates to everything else, there's a lot to think about. But for more seasoned players, The Princes of Florence is a solid experience with well structured gameplay elements that all have a clear purpose which in turn presents players with meaningful decisions to make. It also blends the individual aspect of a player building up their own palazzo and estate with the interaction of auctioning and drafting. The Princes of Florence is definitely one to try. The gaming totals for October '22 are in. Interestingly, First Plays for October were identical to September. Otherwise, the numbers are down, different game and total game are noticeably lower. Partially this may be due to players being on holiday during October. First plays: 5 Different games: 24 Total games: 35 Sunday 30th on Board Game Arena
Lucky Numbers - 47 Can't Stop - 28 Carcassonne - 11 Azul - 9 Stella: Dixit Universe - 12 Splendor - 16 Roll'n Bump - 3 Tuesday 25th at The Sovereigns with the Woking Gaming Club Dice Hospital - 8 Sunday 23rd on Board Game Arena Ticket to Ride - 3 Railroad Ink - 38 Sunday 23rd at The Sovereigns Point Salad - 2 Parks - 14 Tuesday 18th at The Sovereigns with the Woking Gaming Club Port Royal - 24 Furnace - First Play! Sunday 16th on Board Game Arena Lucky Numbers - 46 Can't Stop - 27 Ticket to Ride - 2 Parks - 13 Roll'n Bump - 2 Saturday 15 on Board Game Arena Jump Drive - 13 Thursday 13th Aldershot Point Salad - First Play! HeroQuest - 6 Sunday 9th on Board Game Arena Lucky Numbers - 45 Can't Stop - 26 Roll'n Bump - First Play! Railroad Ink - 37 Ticket to Ride - First Play! Sunday 9th at The Sovereigns Machi Koro 2 - 5 Kingdomino - 5 Wednesday 5th Simon's It's a Wonderful World - 3 Roll for the Galaxy - 6 Love Letter Premium - 63 Cloud 9 - 4 Tuesday 4th at The Sovereigns with the Woking Gaming Club Paper Tales - 5 Akropolis - First Play! |
AuthorI play, I paint. Archives
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