22nd November 2022 Tuesday is here again and that means we're with the Woking Gaming Club at The Sovereigns for a evening of gaming. Space... is it the final frontier? I mean it's pretty large with enough room for separate civilisations to expand without impinging on each other's territory. Except in Cosmic Encounter, it's not! Players take on the roles of one of numerous alien civilisations with the purpose of invading other player's planets in this game of bidding and bluffing. What's in a game?
The component quality is all good, the tiles and tokens are made of suitably sturdy board while cards are average. The spaceships are plastic with a nice bit of detail and being able to stack them keeps the game area relatively clutter free. In terms of art direction, the tiles are colourful and mostly space-themed with the planet tiles looking like well, planets. The hyperspace and warp tiles are appropriately cosmic looking. Artwork is used sparingly on cards with space (SIC) given over to text instead. For the most part, illustrations are reserved for the alien sheets and used to represent the various different alien races. This artwork is fairly good with a lot of diverse and interesting sci-fi artwork. Cosmic Encounter has little in the way of iconography, numbers are used on encounter cards but otherwise text is used to convey information. Nothing here is tricky to understand How's it play? Setup
On to play In Cosmic Encounter players will be trying to create colonies on other players' home systems in the form of land their spaceships on those planets while also preventing their own system from being colonised. The game employs a traditional turn order with the active player resolving their turn before the game progresses to the player on their left. Each turn consists of 6 phases.
Endgame The first player to reach 5 on the score tracker wins! Because of alliances and such, it is possible for more than one player to reach the 5 score at once. if this is the case, all those players share the victory. Overall
Mechanically, Cosmic Encounter is straightforward, at its core it's essentially a single blind bid auctioning game albeit one where players bid within the constraints of their limited hand of encounter cards in order to win encounters On a basic level, a player only has to win 5 bids to win the game. There is of course more to it than that. It's vital that players will have to exploit the stronger cards in their hand and mitigate the risk from weaker cards. High value cards are obviously useful because they can win encounters but weak cards can also have a use. A low value card can be used as a bluff or ruse to flush out an opponent's higher value card, potentially altering what a later outcome might be. Or, if a player think's they're going to lose, why not throw the lowest value card into the mix? Negotiate cards can also prove useful when a player knows they are going to lose and can be used to not only fill their hand but deplete the cards of an opponent. Managing the luck of the draw is vital for victory. The alien sheets can throw some real curveballs into the game and how players behave. Some of the sheets provide some really radical changes to strategies. For example; in one game I played as the 'Spiff' who have the ability can crash land a spaceship on a planet if they are a part of an attack that loses badly. It suddenly introduced a whole new dynamic into attacks which involved the Spiff (And I involved the Spiff with as many attacks as I could!) because defending players were now faced with the conundrum of having to worry about winning too big which might mean playing a lower value card instead and the risk of doing that meant that they might just flat out lose if I played a high value card! Choices, choices! With 50 different alien sheets available in the base game (With more in expansions.) it means there will be a lot of variation in games and a lot of unique interactions from game-to-game. The rules for the destiny deck can also throw a curveball into the game. I feel one of the primary purposes of the destiny deck is prevent a 'pick on a player' tactic and in this regard it does it well. It also means that game has constant shifting alliances, 2 players have been allies in a previous turn but the destiny deck could quickly have one targeting the other in the next run. This brings me to the next thing that's really strong in Cosmic Encounter; which is player interactivity. Players will be bidding and bluffing against each other, forming temporary alliances, looking to exploit their abilities and take advantage of their unique ability and circumstances as they might arise. I also think that the quality of the experience the game provides will in part rely on the people playing it. If players buy into the somewhat boisterous, confrontational and luck-based gameplay, then it'll be a positive, enjoyable experience. I will add that this game has a lot direct confrontation between players and a hefty dose of 'take that' that goes on as well. If you find this sort of thing unappealing, it's probably a safe bet to say that you won't like this game and to be fair, sometimes I'm not in the mood for this kind of game. Otherwise, it's hard to find fault with Cosmic Encounter, the rules are quick to learn and presents players which meaningful decisions to make whenever they attack or have to defend - which is reasonably often, they'll also be faced with whether to join alliances or not and deal with the outcome of those decisions. Cosmic Encounters is a lot of fun to play and worth trying.
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