Painting Blog
Climbing that mountain of lead
It's been 6 months so I guess it's time for another blog about painting stuff! I've managed to varnish a few figures. Trolls ahoy! The troll on the left is from Reaper Bones while my memory about the dude on the right is a little fuzzy, he's definitely a lead figure though, possibly from Reaper too? Both the ogres below are from Reaper Bones. The guy on the left is a fairly big figure and the bigger Reaper Bones figures are always good, I like how he turned out. This giant croc is yet another Reaper Bones miniature. These 2 dwarves come from the Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures range. It looks like these 2 dwarves might be 3d printed and designed on computer. They're a little fiddly but I like the poses although it makes them tricky to store. I'm also happy with the outcome, even though in the photo they don't look great. Another slightly fiddlyplastic figure is this female assassin wielding twin daggers from the Pathfinder Battles Deep Cuts Unpainted range from Wizkids. Run to the hills. Metal iron maiden figures from Bad Squiddo Games. Not a millimetre of visible skin on these figures which made them about the easiest figures to paint! 3 Beggars from Midlam Miniatures. Not sure if they're originals from Midlam or from a older range. 4 WWII era Soviet soldiers from Artizan Designs. I actually painted the vast bulk of these several years ago but at the time ran out of bases for the last 4! They've lingered in a drawer... until now. These are male and female cultist from Bob Murch's Pulp Figures range. I can't remember where these cam from, they were put on bases ages ago! My gut is telling their vampire hunters from West Wind range but I can't be sure? Despite being vampire hunters (I think!), they look pretty good as more cultists to join the Bob Murch figures. Right. That's it for now.
I'll post another blog in 6 months!
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AuthorI play, I paint. Archives
October 2024