At full strength I have 6 players for Beach Patrol which makes for a pretty big team on the beach but I'm sure we'll manage. They certainly are a lucky charismatic lot.
I'll add that Josh wasn't even born when Baywatch concluded and Mark has never seen an episode!
Player: Ares. Character: Chad Williams. Archetype: Trainee Lifeguard (Dumb Luck). Traits: Acrobatic, Charismatic, Glory Hound. Tagline: (Takes his shirt off.) Description: 20 years old, Australian, blonde haired, very good looking but sort of dumb. Likes to impress the girls! Protective older brother of Sharon.
Player: Mark. Character: Pete Kaddy (PK). Archetype: Experienced Lifeguard (Diehard). Traits: Lucky, Tough, Resolute. Tagline: "Surf's up losers!". Description: Likes to wear tight red speedos with flip-flops and has visible tan lines. Is a long time surfer from the big city. Spends every summer working as a lifeguard
Player: Josh. Character: Finn Fogenoghi. Archetype: Experienced Lifeguard (Diehard). Traits: Insightful, Lucky, Charismatic. Tagline: "I missaid it,". Description: An ex-cop now in witness protection and working as a lifeguard: Whilst working as a cop he got jacuzzi confused with yakuza and it landed him in hot water with the Japanese mafia.
Player: Matt. Character: Sean Rex Cowbell. Archetype: Experienced Lifeguard (Eidetic Memory). Traits: Insightful, Perceptive, Medic. Tagline: "Oh, I'm British,". Description: Short blonde hair and tanned, thick Cornish accent. Habitually shaves his body/is hairless as a result of seeing fellow lifeguard and best friend drown off the coast of Cornwall, dragged to his watery grave due to excessive body hair.
Player: Karl. Character: Blake Johnson (BJ). Archetype: Veteran Lifeguard (Best of The Best). Traits: Opportunist, Lucky, Charismatic. Tagline: "Savin' lives & breakin' hearts,". Description: Tall, athletic, sun-bleached hair, cleft chin.
Player: Vicky. Character: Sharon Williams. Archetype: Teenager (Teen). Traits: Acrobat, Fleet of Foot, Lucky Tagline: "Dude, I just don't care,". Description: 17 years old, Australian and little sister of Chad. Has a summer job as a lifeguard, Sharon is both apathetic and keen.