Special Effect are a UK based charity that creates unique custom controllers that allow people with special needs to play computer & video games.
Gameblast is a marathon 24 hour streamed gaming event organised by Special Effect to raise money for charity. Gameblast occurs in the last weekend of Februrary.
Do It Yourself
Everyone is welcome to participate in Gameblast. You just need to set yourself a gaming challenge to complete in 24 hours and need to stream it. You can find more info on Gameblast here.
Gameblast 19
For Gameblast19 I will be running 'The Mirkwood Charity Walk' - a followup to 'The Middle-earth Charity Walk' whereupon our intrepid heroes will have to journey from Hobbition all the way to The Lonely Mountain face what lies therein.
Gameblast 19 takes place on the weekend of the 22nd February.
A link to my Just Giving page if you want to make a donation.
A link to my twitch stream if you want to watch The Mirkwood Charity Walk
The Aftermath!
That's another Gameblast done and dusted! As I sit here writing this, I mostly feel recovered. It was quite a bit of work and the morning before was manic, but ultimately it was worth it
I raised £162, beating my target of £100. Our team raised over £400. Overall Gameblast (at the time of writing) broke its own target of £100,000. If you watched my stream, I hope you enjoyed it. If you made a donation, thank you very much. Your contribution will go towards helping everyone enjoy gaming. I'd also like to thank, Charlotte, Tim & Jack for being good sports and playing in my game.
Below are links to the recordings of the video stream: