It's a Saturday and we're in Aldershot for the first session of The Evils of Illmire.
Welcome to Illmire
Our four heroes arrived in Illmire, a town so-named for the mysterious primordial swampland that stretches somewhere towards the setting sun. Drawn by tales of lost treasure hordes, they are determined to find their fortunes amongst those murky unexplored wetlands.
The small town of Illmire is a town of mostly timber buildings ringed by an old log palisade. Close to the gate is an inn and towards the town centre, rising above the scatter of rooftops ahead is a tallish brick-walled temple and beyond that, another large brickwork manor house. The few folk who walked Illmire's few streets stared suspiciously at our heroes as they strolled into town.
The Inn of the Weary Wagoner
The caravan ride into Illmire had been long one and our heroes chose the tavern as first order of business. Thin wisps of curling smoke caught the meagre shafts of weakening afternoon light that came through the time-stained latticework windows. The inn was mostly empty and a handful of what must have been locals sat at couple of tables, gripping their flagons and providing our heroes dour, suspicious glances. Unperturbed, they approached the bar, catching the eye of a barmaid who turned her attention to these new visitors.
Ever fond of gabbing, Benny the Chuck stepped forward, introducing himself as an entertainer and jester with cheeky flourish. Birella was the barmaid's name, a common local who worked at the inn. Benny explained how his companions and he had come to explore the swamps Illmire and claim the lost treasure. Birella stated matter-of-factly that others had come and gone, searching but never returning. Benny was unconcerned and without skipping a beat asked Birella why the town was so dismal, Birella explained that a curse had been put upon the folk of Illmire and it had bought about the Bald Fever, a malady that caused the stricken to become feverish and also suffer hair, nail and tooth loss. Birella went on and told our heroes that Father Rand, in his sermons had spoken of the townsfolks' sins, sins which had called the righteous curse down on them.
Who was this Father Rand our heroes inquired, was he prelate of the temple? Birella nodded her answer and informed them Father Rand had been sent to help with the town's affliction, Birelly also explained that the temple had been closed, for renovation.
Our heroes peered at the patrons and Birella, none of them were bald, what was this Bald Fever? Both intrigued and suspicious, our heroes paid for a pair of rooms for the night before deciding to head to the temple and further investigate both this Bald Fever matter and Father Rand.
The Temple of The Luminal Star
Shadows lengthened by the setting sun stretched gloomily across a darkening Illmire as our heroes strode for the temple. Upon reaching the perimeter of the temple ground, they spied a trio shifty-looking armed men pacing the grounds; perhaps temple guards? Our heroes approached the men, who stopped to watch them walk up and indeed identified themselves as guards temples. The guards determinedly insisted that Father Rand was unavailable and the temple was shut due to renovations. While they spoke, our heroes cased out the temple behind them. A sturdy looking two storey affair, it's tough looking front door was shut and ground-floor windows had been boarded up. Our heroes noted that access might be gained through a window on a upper floor. Our heroes also tried their best to scrutinize the guards' heads but it was near impossible to tell if they were bald or not under their headgear.
Despite Benny's slick patter, our heroes could not get make any headway with the guards and rebuffed, they turned back to the inn. As they were leaving, they noticed the nearby town well and walked over. A quick examination showed nothing suspicious in the shaft and the water seemed normal.
Back at the Inn of the Weary Wagoner, our heroes once more spoke with Birella, asking her who ruled in Illmire? Lord Crellmont, the barmaid told them, although he had been stricken with the Bald Fever and had not been seen in days. Birella also told them Crellmont was attended to by his butler Piedlund.
It would be prudent our heroes decided, to speak with this Crellmont fellow but night had settled over Illmire and they retired to their rooms for the Evening. Their rooms were filthy, unkept and dust coated, stained bedclothes were draped over worn old mattresses. Despite this, sleep came easily to our exhausted heroes who quickly slipped into obliviousness.
First night in Illmire
Some unknowable time must have passed and dim moonlight shone through the latticed window, a patch of patterned silvery light played across the bare wooden floor and Berta became aware of her lucidness. Something had stirred her from slumber and she sensed a hidden presence in the room then, abruptly, strong hands firmly grabbed her. It was no dream! Berta struggled against her would-be captors and yelled.
It was fortunate, Trym had been sleeping deeply when the ruckus roused her. She opened her eyes to find a pair of assailants reaching for her! Trym reacted quickly, rolling out bed to her feet, grabbing her axe and swinging. The wild blow landed solidly and her attacker went down.
The fighting continued as Berta and Trym tussled with their enemies. In his room, the noise stirred Benny who leapt to his feet, grabbing his crossbow he ran for the other room. Meanwhile; Galileo kept on sleeping.
Benny found that a wall panel to other room from the hallway had been removed, allowing the attackers to circumvent the door. He saw Berta and Trym tangling with three attackers in the dim room. Trym had taken a blow and was bleeding. Benny picked his target and let loose with the crossbow, a man crumpled into a ungainly heap The trio fought on, managing to turn the tide and defeating the remaining attackers.
They were still standing, although Trym barely so, she'd suffered two strikes during the battle. Meanwhile; Galileo kept on sleeping.
They went and woke Galileo and then peered at the dead attackers, with a start they recognised the men! Scant hours earlier they'd seen them patronising the bar below. While the others watched on, Galileo went round and collected the shoes of the dead?
Without delay our heroes rushed downstairs, looking for Birella and found her close to the base of the stairs staring upwards intently, along with her two members of staff, Mortin and Ormol. Our heroes explained that they been attacked during the night, Birella, Mortin and Ormol exchanged fleeting glances, to Benny's eyes they seemed suspicious. Birella told our heroes that they'd heard the fracas above and were wondering what to do. Our heroes led them to the bodies.
It never rains...
Our heroes returned to their rooms with Birella, Mortin and Ormol in tow, leading them to where the corpses lay sprawled. As they all crowded into the sleeping quarters, little did our heroes know that Birella and her cohorts were about to betray them! Shifting slightly, sharp daggers appeared in the hands of the murderous trio and they struck!
Unfortunately for them, our heroes had their wits about them, detecting their suspicious movements and were not caught unaware, except for Trym who was oblivious to it all. Already wounded, the unexpected blow knocked Trym senseless before she ever knew what was going on. The others managed evade the attacks and for the second time that night, a fight broke out in the room.
If was a brief but vicious battle in the tight confines of the room, with little room to manoeuvre. By the end, Benny had been knocked to the ground and was unmoving while Mortin and Ormol were both defeated. Birella had seen the odds swing against her and fled the inn into the misty night but not before she was struck on the face by a shoe thrown by Galileo! Our heroes had to see to their companions and could not give chase. The last they saw of her, Birella had ran out of Illmire and into the west.
Once the wounds of Trym and Benny had been seen to, our heroes took the opportunity to search the six bodies which littered the room. There was little to be found on them. Our heroes suspected they were some sort of fanatics or cultists, further searching revealed each one had a small, strange and identical tattoo. Our heroes were certain they were cultists. They were starting to suspect everyone in Illmire was a cultist. Our heroes then went back downstairs and explored the inn a little. Entering the kitchen, they were shocked to discover a woman sleeping in some quarters. Our heroes woke her at sword point and in response she seemed confused. Upon speaking with her, they discovered her name was Norma and to our heroes she seemed drugged, although they found no evidence of this. With some effort, our heroes learnt that Norma might be the owner of the inn. Otherwise, they got precious little else out of Norma.
Adjacent to Norma's room, our heroes another sleeping room and by the clothing here it looked like the quarters of another woman. It must have been Birella's room, our heroes surmised. Searching it revealed a fine looking dagger, potion of some sort and a hooded cloak as black as night - a cultist's cloak our heroes decided.
Night Moves
Benny grabbed and donned the black cloak, then in the small hours of darkness strode purposely back to the temple. He found three different guards patrolling the grounds and approached them. Without hesitation, Benny told them he wanted to go into the temple and was here for the meeting.
The three men looked at each confusedly before refusing to allow Benny any access into the temple. Benny insisted but they did not relent and he left.
Back with his companions, they decided to gather their belongings, head west and follow Birella. The palisades and rooftops of Illmire fell away, consumed by inky night as our heroes found themselves trudging through farmland and uneven, grassy plains that bordered the town. The going was slow and an early mist began descending on them, after an hour they had not found the swamp or anything of notes. 'Was there even a swamp,' they wondered? Before they decided to camp for the night. Their sleep was disturbed but once by the peculiar sight of some extraordinarily sized geckos mysteriously moving through the night? Our heroes decided to leave them alone.
Morning came and the mist had thickened, our heroes woke to find themselves in a sea of impenetrable fog, the only landmark a hazy eastern glow welcoming the dawn. Fortunately, Galileo's wayfinding skill unerring led our heroes back to Illmire.
As they turned into the town, they saw a small hushed crowd had gathered at the front of the inn, exchaning whispers kept at bay by a handful of armed, grim-faced men uniformed in tabards. It was the town watch; our heroes spoke with one of the guards, but got little out of them other than 'There's been a murder.'. As they were trying to peer inside, a stern looking captain stalked out and headed for the barracks
Lord of The Manor
'It was time to visit Lord Crellmont' our heroes decided and headed to his manor house which lay on the north side of Illmire. Even though it was a small town, it seemed noticeably quiet to them. The manor house was a sturdy affair, time worn alabaster-white clad brick was topped by a drab red-brown slate roof while a small tower rose from one wing. Our heroes were met with an equally sturdy looking heavy oak door shod with thick bands of dull iron. They knocked and waited.
A tallish well kept man answered; Piedlund, the butler Politely he inquired as to the nature of our heroes visit. Our heroes explained that they had information on the cultists they wanted to give Lord Crellmont! Piedlund maintained a neutral expression and coolly explained that he didn't know what they were talking about and they should go. Benny stepped up, keen to employ his silver tongue and delivered an impassioned speech about wanting to help the Lord-Mayor and defeat the cultists. For a moment, Piedlund's right eyebrow twitched fractionally - he was impressed and took them to see Lord Crellmont.
Inside, it was dim, cool and quiet. Slats of scant sunlight shone through closed shutters while Piedlund led our heroes through the well appointed and maintained but seemingly empty manor house to the upper floor and Lord Crellmont's rooms. Crellmont was old - and unwell. Bedridden and propped up by pillows and blankets, he was clearly displaying the symptoms of what our heroes had been told of The Bald Fever; patches of baldness, gaps in his teeth and missing fingernails.
Their conversation went on for a while, our heroes discussed 'the cultist problem' in Illmire and wanted to know who was charged with protecting the town. they were told by Crellmont that Captain Frey headed up the town watch but not to trust him. Crellmont told them that something about Frey had changed? He added that they should find Sergeant Wilfret who is stationed at the watchtower north of Illmire. After this, they discussed Father Rand and Crellmont told them that he had arrived a while after The Bald Fever began afflictedin Illmire, he also informed them he wanted nothing to do with the priest.
Man of the cloth
Upon return to Illmire, our heroes saw that the settlement had roused itself somewhat. A handful of traders had begun setting up at the stalls situated in the town centre and some of the residents were here to trade. Our heroes spoke with some of these folk and asked them for news, hoping for rumours and information. A townsman told them that he'd heard of a fisherman gone missing, taken by mysterious fishmen, but reckoned it was a prank played by the lumberjacks to the south.
Soon, a dishevelled and be-robed man appeared at the edge of the marketstalls with several companions and shuffled towards the raised plectrums in the town centre. He was recognised as Father Rand. Our heroes had been told that with the temple now closed, Father Rand was fond delivering open air sermons to the gathered townsfolk.
Despite his somewhat ragged appearance, Father Rand performed an energetic if apocalyptical address filled with portent to the onlookers, gesticulating erratically and giving piercing stares, warning folk against the sins that brought The Bald Fever on Illmire and laid doom its her inhabitants. Once the service was over, our heroes approached Father Rand and questioned him about The Bald Fever, his answers did not provide anything that he had not already said. They pressed Father Rand about about the nature of the renovations at the temple and he paused for a moment before answering; it was 'interior decoration', then he turned and left for the temple. Accompanied by four men who were clearly bodyguards of a sort, our heroes chose not to try and impede his exit.
Lord Crellmont had said the watchtower was to thee north of Illmire. Our heroes set out to find this Sergeant Wlfret. Distant homesteads were specks on the horizon as they journeyed through Illmire's farmlands. After a couple of hours they found themselves out in the wilderness and back close to The king's Highway as it cut its way through sparsely forested hills. As they marched onwards, the watchtower loomed over the horizon, rising as they closer and soon our heroes arrived at an abruptly steep plateau; bare and rocky it was dotted with several outcrops and populated by numerous fortified buildings. A gated wall prevented easy access to the plateau and our heroes could see a number of men at various along it. They approached the gate.