Character Tiny Tracy Ulf Davin Graysmith Seb Shamos Berta
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Session 5 was the first not on a Thursday and was actually on a Saturday. The session began with 5 players with a 6th player joining in later.
As with all sessions, this one begins at the opening of the gates of Castle Torrog. And as usual the winding path leads down the mountains, through the foothills and to the crossroads at the old damaged tower. The party decided to head north along the old path. After a few miles the path turned turned north-west and the party reached a T-junction. With a another path splitting off northwards into the foothills. The party noticed that the new path has had more usage, so they decided to go into the foothills. The party continued into the foothills until they noticed when rounding a hill; a makeshift watchtower rising over the crest - and on the watchtower, a goblin!
So Shamos -the sorcerer- stealthily moves forward to investigate.
After failing his stealth roll, Shamos discovered that there were a further 5 goblins at the base of the watchtower and combat ensued.
During the 1st round of combat, a goblin disappeared back round the hill and out of sight, whilst various party members stormed over and around the hill toward the goblins. During the 2nd round, sounds of a ringing bell came from behind the watch tower.
Combat didn't last too long and Ulf got to live the barbarian dream and Sparta-kicked a goblin.
So after combat, the party are what is best described as 'faffing' about at the watch tower and spot a group of 12 goblins coming toward their position. Rapidly they conceal themselves and await the arrival of the patrol, waiting to cunningly ambush the goblins.
The goblins are not particularly perceptive and don't spot the hidden party. There are 2 party members hidden in the watch tower, holding up a corpse and pretending it's alive to try and convince the goblins nothing is wrong.
The act doesn't last long, right up the moment the goblins asked the hidden party members to identify themselves. Combat ensued. Initiative goes well for the party and someone casts a sleep spell, this pretty much defeated the entire band of goblins and they took a prisoner and decided to torture it for information.
The goblin provided the party with some information, he told them that were was a mining camp close by that had 'a lot' of goblins.
After this, the party decide to move away from the battle site by basically a quarter of a mile to a flat open site that will give them good visibility of the surrounding area.
The party decide to have a long rest.
2 hours into the rest a band of 12 goblins and 12 hobgoblins riding on worgs appeared and were tracking the party.
The party realise that they might be in serious trouble.
The party contains a dwarf and a gnome, Tracy and Berta. 2 characters will a slower pace.
The party decided to flee, they know that the goblins can keep pace with them and slowly catch up with the slowest 2 party members. So they decided to split into 2 groups. The main group of 4 continued heading south, whilst Tracy and Berta went east. In response, the goblins chased Berta and Tracey. The hobgoblins and worgs chased the other 4.
So at some point the party have learned that the 2 lion statuettes they acquired can be turned into actual lions. They used the lions to slow down the goblins and eventually make good on their escape. Potentially losing the magic items which they've had to abandon...
Meanwhile, the other 4 try to escape the hobgoblins and worgs. Their problem is twofold: Firstly worgs move at almost double the pace of the party, secondly the hobgoblins riding the worgs are free to attack with their longbows (whilst the PCs can do nothing but run and lose ground on their pursuers). After a couple of rounds of bow fire, Seb is downed. At this point Ulf decides to turn and stand his ground, challenging the hobgoblins to single combat. Devin the paladin also halts with Ulf. Shamos keeps on running! Ulf made an impressive intimidation roll and the hobgoblin boss ordered his toughest lackey to engage Ulf in 1 on 1 combat. The hobgoblin banged his sword on his shield and stepped up. A few rounds of combat and Ulf is convincingly defeated. Ulf did not land a single blow.
The hobgoblin banged his sword on his shield again and pointed it at Devin. A few rounds later, Devin too is defeated. Untouched by Devin.
By chance, none of the 3 felled characters are dead, their injuries are all stable. So they hobgoblins claimed them as prisoners and departed. What will their fates be?
Meanwhile, Shamos had rolled himself in some dirt and mud he had found, hoping it would mask his scent from the worgs. Luckily for Shamos, now they've got a prize, the hobgoblins had forgotten about him. He does however earn the nickname 'Shamos the brown dragon'.
The remaining party members manage to regroup and retreat to Castle Torrog. End of session five.