Painting Blog
Climbing that mountain of lead
Been nearly a year since I posted on this blog, I haven't forgotten about it, promise! I also haven't touched a paintbrush since February this year. Got some undercoating done. This is going to be the first time I've painted fantasy figures for at least a couple of years. Just done the undercoating on these, they're all Reaperminis. Hopefully I'm going to varnish some of the stuff I've actually painted in the last year!
The morning's heat tired me. Lunchtime's spotty rain dissuaded me. Finally, this afternoon's muggy climate irritated me. Despite this horribly changeable weather, I managed to do some undercoating. These are the last of my pulp vehicles - unless has some forgotten stuff lying around, which is entirely possible! All vehicles are 1/56 resin and come from Anyscale Models. Again all vehicles are 1/56th scale from Anyscale Models.
That's plenty of stuff to be getting on with for now. 10 boats undercoated and ready to paint now that Melanesians figures are finished and just awaiting varnishing.
All are 28mm resin models from Anyscale Models. Looking forward to this, not painted many boats in the past. It occurred to me that I haven't posted anything on this blog since Christmas, which was nearly 5 months ago!
I've been doing some painting since then, I swear! It just seems so little! Instead here are some figures I based and undercoated, including 10 that I missed during the undercoating. The WW2 Germans, Afrika Korps & WW2 Soviets are from Artizan Designs. The Melanesian warriors are from Pulp Figures Savage Seas range. The rock monsters are Stalagbites by Midlam Miniatures. Are you happy now Paul!?! |
AuthorI play, I paint. Archives
October 2024