1st November 2020 It's Sunday lunchtime and we're round Vicky's for one last in-person RPG session before Lockdown 2 comes into effect. It's time for a late-start in the next part of Ares' Star Wars campaign. Location: Kijimi City. M/8' clambered to his feet, his tactical-assessment subroutine informed him that any damage that his blaster might inflict on the star ship would be negligible. Instead the subroutine instructed him to target the thruster exhaust port. M/8 fired his shot and hit his target, part of the exhaust system appeared to had taken damage. Chrisy set his blaster to stun and fired at the force-user, the shot glanced off the force-user in the shoulder, he didn't seem too bothered by it. Suddenly Chrisy lurched and felt a peculiar tugging sensation? Chrisy frantically growled and scratched his head as he was pulled off his feet, into the air and towards the force-user. He tried to prepare for an attack on the force-user as he drrew closer. "Give me the baby!" The force-user shouted at Robin as she tried to make good her escape. The Mandalorian was back up now and chasing after Robin. M/8's danger-assessment subroutine reorganised his priorities. M/8 now targeted the Mandalorian, he fired a shot at the bounty hunter. He was unfazed, his armour had absorbed the blast. The Mandalorian was much faster than Robin and in a few long strides had caught up. He tackled her and she, Wilfred and the Mandalorian crashed on to the icy ground. The force-user flicked his hand and the Mandalorian abruptly jerked backwards off of Robin. M/8's tactical-assessment subroutine calculated that the Mandalorian would be vulnerable for a few moments and instructed M/8 to fire at him again. It was a good shot and landed a solid hit on the Mandalorian who slumped to the ground, motionless. As Chrisy was flying through the air, the realisation dawned on him the he was not being pulled by the force-user! Someone from within the ship was doing it? Chrisy growled and scratched his head, flailing his other arm uselessly, entirely missing his attack on the force-user (Who was further than arm's length away from Chrisy) as he shot past and into the ship. At that moment Utri and Pell, along with Madak came on to the scene and into view; just in time to see Chrisy go flying into the ship! Chrisy hit the deck with a thud and saw that there was a band of children here, had they pulled him in? Utri and Pell approached the force-user peacefully. "Hmm," said Pell to everybody. "Stop what you're doing and stop.". Pell asked the force-user why he was doing this, he explained that he believed that Wilfred would not be safe with the crew. Pell asked the force-user if this matter could be settled peacefully, Utri - being a politician agreed. The rest of the crew began to gather. The force-user asked the crew to come into his ship, but Pell was suspicious and asked if the parlay could be held on more neutral ground. The force-user refused, the crew eventually agreed to go aboard, along with Madak who was demanding to see his daughter. Upon entry into the ship, the crew were reunited with a bemused Chrisy, who looked at them, shrugged, growled and scratched his head. The crew were also surprised to find the ship occupied by children?
The crew counted fifteen children of varying ages up to about fifteen years old. As he also came aboard, the force-user explained that he had rescued these children from all over The Empire. He admitted to us that he once used to be a typical Jedi, but surviving the war, the purge and the being hunted by The Empire had altered his perspective. Now he travelled The Empire, looking for children with special talents. Recruiting them and training them to use those talents to the best of their ability. The force-user then refused to elaborate any further. Unwilling to reveal the location of the planet the he planned to take them to, unwilling even to reveal his name to the crew. Madak was still demanding to see his daughter, he could not see he among the children here. He seemed to be getting very stressed, the crew noticed his hand was dangerously close to the blaster holster on his belt. The force-user seemed to relent, he explained that Madak's daughter; Tarla was in another room, he allowed the girl come out, father and daughter were both happy to see each other. The force-user invited them to go into the other room for some private conversation. Once Madak and Tarla had left, the crew asked the force-user why he kept Tarla away from her father? He explained that it was necessary to keep children isolated away from their parents during training. Try as the crew might, they could not convince the force-user to part with any more information. After a few minutes, Madak and Tarla returned and the negotiations began in earnest. The crew refused to hand over Wilfred to the force-user for training unless they were allowed to accompanied him. The force-user agreed to this, but when the crew explained that they would follow the force-user's space ship in their own ship, The Vengeful Runner, he became unhappy. The force-user would not allow us to bring our ship, it would have to remain here. This was of course not acceptable to the crew, being taken to an unknown planet and forced to leave their own star ship behind would put them in danger of being stranded. It was too much of a risk and the crew could not accept these terms. Meanwhile, Madak also refused to allow his daughter to go with the force-user unaccompanied, his family would have to go with them, he said. The force-user shook his head and rejected this, he would not allow families to be with his students during their training; it was too distracting. The negotiations continued for a while, but no satisfactory conclusion was reached. The force-user was too evasive and untrusting to be trustworthy himself. There was no deal, the crew announced and prepared to leave with Wilfred. Robin and Chrisy both noticed various meaningful glances between the force-user and one of the older girls, they also noticed that she appeared to be wearing a lightsabre! The force-user stated that he would not allow us to leave with either Wilfred or Tarla: The air became thick with silent tension, muscles stiffened, postures changed and eyes narrowed. There was a fleeting moment of still, quiet, calmness in the ship, a calmness that could not last as people started reaching for weapons!
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AuthorReading, writing, playing and painting are the things that I do. Archives
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