Threads - Session 03At the end of the previous session we entered the 'black tent' and then found ourselves in the Dreamlands. Once we dealt with the problems of the extreme cold, we began to explore our environs. We discovered that we were at the edge of a precipice that showed us some sort of multi-tiered landscape? We climbed up and encountered an icy plateau. Looking around, we saw various structures far away. We decided to explore the closest structure, a windowless building. During our exploration we become hopelessly lost. During this time we encountered various individuals, including a curiously familiar dreamer! During these encounters we learned where to go to find out more about the missing children. Next we travelled downwards to the lowest tier.
During this journey we encountered strange beasts and found aid from an unexpected quarter. We now had an idea where to find the missing children and the beginnings of plan to rescue them. To be concluded.
8th June 2019
Saturday is here and it's the evening. So it's game time at Matakishi's. It's the conclusion of our play testing of 'The Black Hack' campaign, 'Oubilette. I think by now that Matakishi had become fatigued by the whole campaign and pushed through to the conclusion rapidly. You can read his thoughts about it here. 25th May 2019*
The weekend is in full swing and it's a Saturday night. This can only mean it's game night at Matakishi's place. Our play-test of Oubliette (As run by Matakishi continues.). You can read Matakishi's report about it here. 18th May 2019*
It's a Saturday night, so gaming continues, but now at Matakishi's! We are continuing to play test the Oubilette campaign. You can read Matakishi's report about it here. 4th May 2019
Saturday gaming continues in the evening, which means gaming at Matakishi's. The Oubilette campaign continues, you can find Matakishi's report here. 27th April 2019.
Saturday continues. Evening approaches and that means it's time for gaming night at Matakishi's. As always, the session number is one higher than the party level. You can read Matakishi's musings on the session here. 20th April 2019
It's a Saturday and it's night - so i means it's time to go round to Matakishi's place. On this evening we will be continuing 'Oubilette' a Black Hack campaign. As our strange journey continues, we find ourselves in a strange city. You can read Matakishi's report about it here. 30th March 2019
Another night at Matakishi's and the session 5 of 'Oubliette' a 'Black Hack' campaign that we are playtesting. You can read Matakishi's report about it here. 23/03/2019
Saturday night at Matakishi's and our play test of the Oubliette campaign continues with session 3 or level 2. You can find his report here. 10th March 2019.
It's a Saturday night at Matakishi's and he's running Oubliette for 'The Black Hack'. This is our 4th session of play, but it's actually chapter 2 of the campaign. You can read Matakishi's report about it here. |
AuthorI play, I paint. Archives
March 2024