11th December 2022 It's a Sunday evening and where logged into video chat and Board Game Arena for some gaming fun. More space, more empires and more final frontiers. Cosmos: Empires is a galactically-themed tableau building where plays rush to build their cosmic empire - or least increase their empire's production - all very capitalist! Caveat: We've only ever played this game digitally. What's in a game?
I have to say I found the illustrations to be pretty good sci-fi themed artwork and could easily see them on classic 70's sci-fi book covers. Having said that, I did also find some of the artwork was a little too busy for a card game, there were bright spots that drew the eye from important information for example and perhaps the text could have been a bit clearer. While there are a few icons, it's not overwhelming, some information on card abilities are displayed on the cards themselves, sometimes player's will want to refer to the rules for clarification. I would not consider it a problem as Cosmos: Empires is pretty straightforward. How's it play? Setup
On to play In Cosmos: Empires, players will be generating credits which will be used to buy cards from the drafting area. These cards will have various actions that can be used to the player's benefit with the ultimate aim of increasing currency production. When a player reaches a certain threshold of currency production, it will trigger the game end. Cosmos: Empires mostly follows the typical turn structure with the active player performing their actions before play progresses to the player on their left. However, it is likely that 'inactive' players will have their cards activated outside of their turn. The following occurs during the active player's turn.
Endgame Play continues until any one player has combined production value (Not credits.) on all the cards in their tableau of 30 or more. At this point the endgame is triggered, the round continues until all players have had even turns. All player then calculate their finishing combined production value. Points are tallied, highest score wins. Overall
Cosmos: Empires is a tableau building game that seems to me to have been designed to be a more streamlined, quicker playing, simpler, more accessible game that's a little different to other games of this type. The strategy in Cosmos: Empires is relatively straightforward; acquire as many cards as quickly as you can, while some cards do combo off each other and getting those cards is good. It's also a goof idea to just get many cards as you can and hope dice rolls go your way. You see; typically in tableau building games there's an early game element about building up the tableau then a late game element about using that tableau to work towards whatever the winning criteria. Cosmos: Empires eschews this paradigm because it's winning criteria is about accumulating production value and all cards provide production value. It means that acquiring any cards works towards winning. The impact of this is that can create a sort of situation where a player will get some cards that quickly earn them a lot of production/credits which can be used to get even more cards (Especially the case when a player can build 2 cards per turn.) to get more even more production/credits in a self perpetuating cycle. Now this might sound like a good thing and the kind of you'd want in a tableau builder? The issue is that it can put one player into a unassailable lead where they not only constantly outproduce other players' production but consequently, they also constantly outpace the production increases of other players. A uncatchable double whammy! This can be exacerbated by the fact that all cards activate in all players' turns. Quite often activations will end up benefitting whoever is in the lead simply by virtue of them having more cards. Sure, players can shift the activation numbers but I found in order to not to give the leader benefits, I also had to deny them to myself. It felt very negative. I genuinely admire any game's attempt to pare back rules, provide more elegant gameplay and quicker playtime and this is the case for Cosmos: Empires but it results in a game that feels somewhat unbalanced. Additionally, I found Cosmos: Empires a little bland, it didn't feel like there's much variety in the mix of cards and it didn't feel particularly engaging. I'm not sure it would stand up to repeated playing Although, having said all of that, I might not be the best target audience. Cosmos: Empires might serve as a good entry the tableau building game type and if you want a straightforward, uncluttered, quick playing iteration of it, Cosmos: Empires might tick those boxes.
22nd November 2022 Tuesday is here again and that means we're with the Woking Gaming Club at The Sovereigns for a evening of gaming. Space... is it the final frontier? I mean it's pretty large with enough room for separate civilisations to expand without impinging on each other's territory. Except in Cosmic Encounter, it's not! Players take on the roles of one of numerous alien civilisations with the purpose of invading other player's planets in this game of bidding and bluffing. What's in a game?
The component quality is all good, the tiles and tokens are made of suitably sturdy board while cards are average. The spaceships are plastic with a nice bit of detail and being able to stack them keeps the game area relatively clutter free. In terms of art direction, the tiles are colourful and mostly space-themed with the planet tiles looking like well, planets. The hyperspace and warp tiles are appropriately cosmic looking. Artwork is used sparingly on cards with space (SIC) given over to text instead. For the most part, illustrations are reserved for the alien sheets and used to represent the various different alien races. This artwork is fairly good with a lot of diverse and interesting sci-fi artwork. Cosmic Encounter has little in the way of iconography, numbers are used on encounter cards but otherwise text is used to convey information. Nothing here is tricky to understand How's it play? Setup
On to play In Cosmic Encounter players will be trying to create colonies on other players' home systems in the form of land their spaceships on those planets while also preventing their own system from being colonised. The game employs a traditional turn order with the active player resolving their turn before the game progresses to the player on their left. Each turn consists of 6 phases.
Endgame The first player to reach 5 on the score tracker wins! Because of alliances and such, it is possible for more than one player to reach the 5 score at once. if this is the case, all those players share the victory. Overall
Mechanically, Cosmic Encounter is straightforward, at its core it's essentially a single blind bid auctioning game albeit one where players bid within the constraints of their limited hand of encounter cards in order to win encounters On a basic level, a player only has to win 5 bids to win the game. There is of course more to it than that. It's vital that players will have to exploit the stronger cards in their hand and mitigate the risk from weaker cards. High value cards are obviously useful because they can win encounters but weak cards can also have a use. A low value card can be used as a bluff or ruse to flush out an opponent's higher value card, potentially altering what a later outcome might be. Or, if a player think's they're going to lose, why not throw the lowest value card into the mix? Negotiate cards can also prove useful when a player knows they are going to lose and can be used to not only fill their hand but deplete the cards of an opponent. Managing the luck of the draw is vital for victory. The alien sheets can throw some real curveballs into the game and how players behave. Some of the sheets provide some really radical changes to strategies. For example; in one game I played as the 'Spiff' who have the ability can crash land a spaceship on a planet if they are a part of an attack that loses badly. It suddenly introduced a whole new dynamic into attacks which involved the Spiff (And I involved the Spiff with as many attacks as I could!) because defending players were now faced with the conundrum of having to worry about winning too big which might mean playing a lower value card instead and the risk of doing that meant that they might just flat out lose if I played a high value card! Choices, choices! With 50 different alien sheets available in the base game (With more in expansions.) it means there will be a lot of variation in games and a lot of unique interactions from game-to-game. The rules for the destiny deck can also throw a curveball into the game. I feel one of the primary purposes of the destiny deck is prevent a 'pick on a player' tactic and in this regard it does it well. It also means that game has constant shifting alliances, 2 players have been allies in a previous turn but the destiny deck could quickly have one targeting the other in the next run. This brings me to the next thing that's really strong in Cosmic Encounter; which is player interactivity. Players will be bidding and bluffing against each other, forming temporary alliances, looking to exploit their abilities and take advantage of their unique ability and circumstances as they might arise. I also think that the quality of the experience the game provides will in part rely on the people playing it. If players buy into the somewhat boisterous, confrontational and luck-based gameplay, then it'll be a positive, enjoyable experience. I will add that this game has a lot direct confrontation between players and a hefty dose of 'take that' that goes on as well. If you find this sort of thing unappealing, it's probably a safe bet to say that you won't like this game and to be fair, sometimes I'm not in the mood for this kind of game. Otherwise, it's hard to find fault with Cosmic Encounter, the rules are quick to learn and presents players which meaningful decisions to make whenever they attack or have to defend - which is reasonably often, they'll also be faced with whether to join alliances or not and deal with the outcome of those decisions. Cosmic Encounters is a lot of fun to play and worth trying. 13th October 2022 It's a Thursday and we're in Aldershot for a evening of gaming entertainment. Do you like salads? Do you like points? If so, then maybe you'll like Point Salad, a game about well... about making salads and scoring points with a literal point salad mechanic! What's in a game?
Point Salad's cards are pretty basic, they don't seem laminated and feel a little flimsy. Although unless you treat them badly, it shouldn't be a problem. There isn't much art to Point Salad, only the illustrations for the 6 types of veggie. These are colourful, chunky illustrations with thick line art. I like it and think it suits the game's light, breezy theme. The game's only iconography is the 6 vegetable types. For the most part, they are clear and distinct. EXCEPT for the onion and tomato images which not only look a little similar but both use shades of red for their associated colour. It's not a gamebreaker by any means but it definitely can be a little confusing and could have been clearer The scoring criteria are pretty easy to understand, it uses a mixture of the icons and text to explain their individual rules. How's it play? Setup
In Point Salad players will be drafting cards from the central selection. They will be drafting veggies to create sets and drafting scoring cards to score those sets. Point Salad uses the typical turn structure with the active player acting before play progresses to the player on their left. During their turn, the active player must perform 1 of the following 2 draft actions, additionally, they may then also perform a free action.
Endgame Play continues until all cards have been drafted and then goes to scoring. All cards are scored all ways! That means that if for example, a set of carrots can gain VPs from 2 scoring cards, then they are scored twice and so on. Points are tallied, highest score wins. Overall
Point Salad is a easy to learn game, there are only 2 actions (And 1 free action.) to choose from and 1 core tenement to remember; scoring cards score off of veggie cards. The depth comes from what is done with those 2 decisions. Getting scoring cards early on will give a player an objective to aim for but also can limit their drafting options. Conversely, concentrating on veggie cards early will give a player some flexibility when it comes to acquiring scoring cards, the risk here though is that optional scoring cards may never become available because other players may get them first or they may get flipped to the veggie side or in game with a lower player count, may not even be in the game. All of this means that planning ahead can be a two-edged sword. It's definitely worth trying to plan ahead, synergy between scoring cards, i.e., multiple scoring cards that score off 1 type of veggie can led to big scores. However, the drafting area's landscape is likely significantly change from turn-to-turn and players will also need to adapt to circumstances as they arise. Players will also need to mange having to take cards they don't need or want and look to create or exploit new scoring opportunities as they appear. The optional free card flip rule offers players a little flexibility. They'll be times that a points card with a negative may prove a liability might be worth flipping which negates the negative and also provides a veggie for another points cards. Again, this is all contextual. There's also a higher level of play at work here. Players can try and anticipate their opponents are hoping to do and possibly stymy them. Taking specific veggie cards or scoring cards they might want or even taking veggie will cause points cards from the related column to be flipped to replace them It means that Point Salad generally provides players will meaningful decisions and choices to make. I find Point Salad an enjoyable game, it makes a great filler, plays up to 6 and also a good crossover or family game. It's a game that you shouldn't take too seriously, it's a light, fun quick game. In fact it's so quick to play that it seems like the set up time longer than the play time! Which is my only, minor criticism of an otherwise good game. It this sounds like your kind of thing, you should definitely give Point Salad a try. 25th September 2022 Sunday is here again and we're logged into Board Game Arena for some gaming goodness. Sea Salt & Paper is a pun that plays on sea salt & pepper in this quirkily ocean and err... origami themed set collecting card game. Caveat: We've only ever played Sea Salt & Paper digitally. What's in a game?
Sea Salt & Paper makes use of a genuinely unique art style which looks like the creators constructed origami models themed after the game such as mermaids, crabs or penguins etc and then photographed them. Or perhaps high quality renders have been produced in a computer art program. Either way, the game has what I think a fantastic, eye catching theme, colourful and of course, they get to use the Sea Salt & Paper gag. The game uses 10 colours for cards - and that's a lot. Fortunately each colour has a unique icon associated with it which a handy and welcome accessibility aid. The downside is that Sea Salt & Paper has quite a lot of icons, there's about 4 icons for each type of card. Luckily most of them are intuitive or fairly obvious. I don't think it's too difficult to learn may be off putting during early plays. How's it play? Setup
On to play Sea Salt & Paper is played over a varying number of rounds until a scoring target has been met. Furthermore, rounds will have a varying length and after a certain point, each round can be ended by any player. The game follows the usual turn structure with the active player taking their turn before play progress to the person on their left. There are 3 actions a player can perform in their turn.
Endgame There are 2 ways Sea Salt & Paper can end. Firstly and least likely, if a player manages to acquire 4 mermaid cards... they win! Otherwise, the game has a endgame scoring target, which is 30-40 VPs depending on player count. When this target is reached during scoring it triggers the game end and players calculate their final total VPs. Points are tallied, highest score wins. Overall
Broadly speaking, Sea Salt & Paper is fairly straightforward; collect sets and play duos. There are several ways to collect sets, including based on colours. Players will often be faced with various on which card to take and optimisation is key here. Although players will also need to adapt to circumstances as they may need to deal with cards they might not initially want. Sea Salt & Paper however, puts some quite unusual and unique mechanics into play that have unusual impact on the game and the way some of these mechanics synch up is interesting. I'm struggling to recall another card game in which cards that are played and cards in hand score equally. It's very important here though since it ties in with the mechanic that allows players to bet on 'winning' the round. When a player chooses to announce 'last chance', they'll know what cards other players have played but they won't know what they've kept in their hand. This means there's always an element of push-your-luck because the announcer will never know what others have kept back. Canny players may decide to not play duo cards in an attempt to lure others into a false sense of security but the trade off is that they won't get utilise those cards' benefits. There's also a higher level of play about noting what cards other players take and responding. Drawing cards blindly gives the player a useful ability of using one of them to cover a card in one of the discard piles, potentially denying it to another player if you think they want it. While Sea Salt & Paper players has a moderately quick playtime and is mostly easy to learn, it's a bit fiddly when it comes to scoring. Not only do players have to score both played cards and ones in hand but sometimes they need to discard their scoring and score again... but differently thanks to someone triggering 'Last Chance'. I'm not sure the the gameplay this push-your-luck mechanic adds to the game is worth the extra hassle it causes with scoring. Sea Salt & Paper is also seems like something of a slow burn when it comes to gameplay which boils down to choosing which card to take and whether to play duos or not. It can feel a little unexciting or unengaging. Mechanically, there's some fun things going on with Sea Salt & Paper but the game didn't quite grab me in the times that we played it but as I said, it could just be a slow burn that requires a few more plays to grasp. I wouldn't object to trying it again. 30th August 2022 Tuesday night gaming with the Woking Gaming Club continued with The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine. The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine is actually an earlier iteration of The Crew: Mission Deep Sea which I've already blogged about and the two games are more or less identical. Read about The Crew: Mission Deep Sea here and it'll give a good idea how The Quest of Planet Nine plays. As such I'm not going to do a full write for The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine, instead I'll just note one area of difference between the two. Task cards: These are much more straightforward in The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine. All the objectives are exclusively about acquiring certain numbers in certain colours, e.g., blue 7, yellow 2 and so on. Consequently, The Quest for Planet Nine is a bit more straightforward, this makes it perhaps a little easier to play as it does not present players with having to deal with more left-field tasks like 'I can only win the first and last hands'. The upside is that it has greater accessibility and will be easier to play with people who aren't so heavily into games. If I had to choose between this and The Crew: Mission Deep Sea, I'd choose the latter 100% of the time.
It's not that this is a bad game (It's not.), it's just the gamer in me craves the greater variety and challenge Mission Deep Sea provides. If (Like a friend did.) you want something to play with the family over a holiday with some non-confrontational , still challenging but more accessible gameplay, The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine is a good choice. 30th August 2022 It's a Tuesday evening and we're with the Woking Board Gaming Club at The Sovereigns to play trick-taking card Scout. Step right up, step right up friends. Prepared to be entertained and thrilled by the most death-defying, deck-dealing, trick-taking card game you ever set eyes on. What's in a game?
The quality of the cards in scout are average which is to say that they are what you'd expect of a modern game. The tokens feel sturdy and well made. While each card contain smudges of a pair attractive bright colours there's little artwork in Scout, what there is, is either monochrome illustration or stylised and slightly cartoony. It fits the loose circus theme well enough though. Only numbers are utilised in Scout, no iconography related to game play appears which means the game is easily understood. How's it play? Setup
On to play Scout is played over a number of rounds equal to the player count, i.e., if there are 4 players, there will be 4 rounds. Each round will consist of numerous hands of card being played, players will take turns trying to empty their own hands while also accumulating cards and dollars into their own playing area. The game uses a traditional turn structure with the active player acting and play progressing to the player on their left. Broadly speaking, the active player can choose 1 of 2 actions and a round consists of the following:
Endgame When a number of rounds equal to the player count had been finished, the game ends, the final round is scored and we go to final scoring. Points are tallied, highest score wins. Overall
Scout packs quite a lot of gameplay into quite a small package. At the heart of it, players are broadly speaking faced with 2 approaches towards a central conundrum: Should a player try and empty their hand or try and build up the size of the tricks in their hand instead? Both have advantages and drawbacks. A player emptying their hand is good because it minimises their losses if the round ends but playing small or single card tricks is a giving other players easy opportunities to score points by trumping them. There's also the fact that a player ending up with for example a single card in their hand can have trouble playing it. If someone else plays any 2 card trick, there's no way a single card can trump it. A player building up the cards and consequently the trick(s) in their hand can be hugely beneficial; playing a trick containing a large number of cards can end a round in that player's favour as not only do they not lose points for cards in card, they earn dollars for having their trick scouted. The big risk is that a round may end before playing the big trick, which could lose them a lot of points. There's also the possibility of working towards both, removing single cards or small tricks from a player's hand may create new tricks. All of this is of course contextual. The cards a player chooses to have in their hand will influence their decisions as well as the actions of their opponents. There's a higher level of play that comes from watching what others do and seeing if they are building up a trick or not - especially of they're scouting from small active tricks. Also quite often, when players also playing single card tricks, they're looking to combine cards into a bigger trick or looking to save a trick for later. The show & scout action is also very important, if an opponent has played a big, using it well can genuinely bring about a reversal of fortune. It means that players are always faced with meaningful decisions, playing and acquiring cards always has an impact. I've seen some criticism that there's a notable amount of luck in Scout - and there's some truth to that but truth be told; so do many games of this type, especially card games. Which is why playing multiple hands of cards over multiple rounds acts as a 'balancer'. There's also a quirk where the game is different according to player count. For starters; game length can dramatically change according to player count: Not only do more players mean there's more turns per round, there's also more rounds to go as well! That being said, Scout doesn't have a particularly long play time. A 5-player game takes in the region of an hour to play out. Hand size also varies quite with player count. In a 5-player game everyone starts with 9 cards, while in a 3-player game each player starts with 12 cards. It means that bigger tricks are more likely occur in games with a lower player count, something that players will want to take into account. Another minor quibble is that it's a little tricky to pick up some of the rules about trumping an active trick with a new trick of the same size. Minor grumbling aside though, I think Scout is an excellent trick taking card game that has a good amount of player interaction, gives players something to think about but can also provide some surprises. If trick taking card games are something you like, then Scout is a game that you should definitely try. 21st August 2022 It's Sunday again and we're logged into Board Game Arena for some gaming goodness. So there's this Noah guy who has to put groups of animals on to his ark but it turns out there's way more species than anyone would have thought! He's quite busy now and has instructed his staff (The players!) to load the more mundane animals on to the ark. How should the players do this? Through the crucible of competitive play of course! Caveat: we've only ever played this game digitally. What's in a game?
Colourful high quality artwork is used throughout Noah and the animal cards in particular look good and depict their subject matter well and clearly. There's not much else to say about it other than it's a style clearly aimed at younger players. There's about half a dozen icons used in the game, the movement icons are pretty self-explanatory, as are the tears. The remaining 5 or so icons for card ability are a little small and will probably have to be looked up in the rules until learned. I can't imagine it being a problem. How's it play? Setup
On to play Noah is played over 3 rounds, the objective in all 3 rounds is for players to empty their hands as quickly as possible and thus, score as few points as possible. This is done by playing animal cards on to the ferry cards. Noah follows a typical turn order with the active player acting, before play progresses to the player on their left.
Endgame Noah is played over 3 rounds. After the 3rd round has concluded, players count their finishing scores. Points are tallied, lowest score wins! Overall
Noah is in essence a light trick-taking game and most of the mechanics are pretty straightforward; play a card and try to get that set to 21 but there's a couple of wrinkles in there. Firstly, the rules for all male, all female or alternating animal cards will present players with some interesting conundrums. Players will need to try and think ahead, a card they play early in a round will have a significant effect later. For example if a player only has 1 female card and plays it on another female card, then they won't be able to play any of their male cards on that ferry. Players will also need to pay attention to the tears on their cards, playing cards with high penalty-points is vital to keep a score low. As expressed above, I feel this rule is a bit fiddly but without it, the game would be too simple. Having to think about numbers and colours is what marks the game out as a bit different and forces players to make meaningful decisions Secondly, the mechanic for moving the Noah token can throw a real element of unpredictability and even some 'take that' into the game. A player can move Noah to a ferry that has a weight of '20' for example, making it hard for the following player to play a card on it. It goes both ways though and sometimes, Noah will just by chance be moved to a ferry where the following player cannot play a card. I'm not sure how I feel about this, it adds some much needed unpredictability to the game which prevents players from over planning. However, it veers very close to the frustrating side, fans of heavier games may find this off putting. For me, it was a little frustrating, simplistic and unengaging. Noah is also a quite 'negative' game about not gaining points and having the lowest possible score. Generally, this type of scoring doesn't sit well with me. Having said that, It's fair to say that I'm probably not the target audience here . From its colourful, cheerful presentation, light trick-taking mechanic and easy to setup and learn rules, it's clear that Noah is a family friendly game. It also has a reasonably quick play time that does not outstay its welcome. If you're looking for a light card game with some distinctive gameplay to play with more casual or younger players, then Noah might be what you're looking for. 20th August 2022 It's a Saturday night and we're logged into Board Game Arena for some gaming goodness. Cross an ocean, hop from island to island on a lonely journey to find your paradise island and tranquillity. Tranquility is a cooperative, game about assessing risks and playing cards. Also, the rules state that players should not explicitly discuss their cards between them, so I guess that could be considered a form of tranquillity? What's in a game? Tranquility is a card game that comes packaged in a distinctive looking cubic box. All the game's cards are an unusual square shape.
Quality wise, the cards are pretty average. Not much more to say here. The presentation and artwork for Tranquility is excellent. The illustrations show a series of unique and interesting islands. The colourful artwork has a bright, clean and stylised almost minimalist look to it that does a great job of conveying the subdued isolation of a sea bound journey. There's barely any iconography in Tranquility and what there is of it is reserved for the expansion cards. How's it play? Set up
On to play The objective in Tranquility is to cooperatively fill all 36 spaces in the 6x6 grid with island cards. Furthermore, all the cards must be positioned in numerical order (Although not necessarily placed in sequence.) going from low to high and left to right, starting in the bottom left corner and ending in the top right one. It's worth noting that while cards are placed in a 6x6 grid, the numbers 'wrap around', this means they are essentially in a long line. Tranquility uses a traditional turn order with the active player taking an action before player progress to the player on their left. During their turn, the active player can do 1 of 2 possible actions.
Endgame Tranquility continues until 1 of the 2 following conditions are met. Cannot play: If the active player does not have a card to play or cannot discard 2 cards to pass, then the players collectively lose. Finish card: If all 36 spaces in the grid have been filled and the active player has a finish card in their hand, they can play it and the players collectively win. Overall
Tranquility feels like a puzzle orientated game with a minor element of mathematics. The game is clearly dived into early and late game. The early game is where players will look to put cards into play without other adjacent cards to avoid discarding cards. The late game is where players have no choice but to discard in order to play cards and have to decide which and how many cards to discard and discarding is the crux of the game. Discarding means getting rid of cards which may prove vital later in the game. Players will have to judge which cards are 'safer' to discard and hope alternative cards will appear. It is the chief risk that players take in Tranquility. This is is why the start card rule can prove tricky for players, especially if it appears early in the game, having to discard 8 cards is harsh - it's nearly 10% of the deck. Curiously though, discarding cards gets easier as the game progresses. Typically numbers will get locked out as cards are played. E.g., if a 51 is placed adjacent to a 54, then cards 52 & 53 can no longer be used and can be freely discarded. Additionally, once the first start card has been played, any others can be safely discarded. Conversely, it's always risky to discard a finish card. All of this means that decisions in the early game are the most important and the game will 'settle down' as it progresses. Having said all of that, there is a issue I have with the game; which is that there's definitely a formula we found that players can employ to greatly increase their chances to win. It's not a guarantee and I never feel like we could be complacent when we played, even though we now generally win the vast majority of games we play and the game seems 'beaten'. Tranquility is fairly easy to learn, especially considering it's a cooperative game - quite often cooperative games have complex engines to drive the gameplay but that's not the case here. The game provides some conundrums to face and problems to solve. Players will need to manage the risk of their discards and make decisive decisions. If all of that sounds like some you'll like then Tranquility is definitely a game that's worth playing, just don't play it too often. So this is a sort of First Play! Love Letter: Adventure time, like Love Letter: Batman is a reskin of the original Love Letter. I'm not going to go into any particular detail here and will only list the notable differences. if you want to know more, the blog on original can be found here. Unsurprisingly, all the art featured throughout the game is sourced from the cartoon and the characters will be recognisable to fans. If you're not a fan, it's quirky and very cartoony-styled gentle parody of the original artwork with a bright palette, a style I find perfectly acceptable. Annoyingly though, some of the cards have been renamed; 'The Prince' becomes 'Hero', 'Handmaid' becomes 'Companion' and so on. I know that it's probably a better fit with the show's narrative and theme but it still means that even players who know Love Letter well will be referring to the rules! Instead of standard hearts or cubes, Love Letter: Adventure Time uses bright, multicoloured acrylic 'gems' to track scores and I have to admit they are pretty nice. With a couple of exceptions, the rules are broadly speaking, identical to vanilla Love Letter. Luckily, these additional rules don't break the game like some other reskins do but by the same measure, nor do they add anything to it and truth be told, can be easily ignored. Which is something I would do since I've always found the original Love Letter to have the best implementation of the rules. So is it worth getting Love Letter: Adventure Time? If you've already got some version of Love Letter; unless you're a completionist or a fan of the cartoon then you can skip this. However, if you're a fan and don't have a copy of Love Letter, it's a fantastic game and you should definitely get one and this version is a good as any. In fact if you don't have a copy of Love Letter, you should get one regardless! 23rd June 2022 It's another Thursday evening and we're in Aldershot for another gaming night. Village Green - a local game for local people? It turns out that competitions between local villages to have the best village green can be serious business! What's in a game?
Well that's it for the components - a deck of cards. The card quality average and what you'd expect from games nowadays. Watercolour styled artwork is used throughout the game on the green and village cards. depicting various items that could be found on an English village green (SIC). It's a pleasant style and the artwork all looks appropriately good, fitting it's theme quite nicely. The iconography is not so well implemented though. I felt the symbols used for the different types of flower could have been a bit more distinct or individual, especially since the icons are quite small. I also felt the 3 different types of tree icon displayed on the bottom of the green cards and award cards could have had been more distinctive. Otherwise, the iconography is fine. How's it play? Set up
On to play The objective in Village Green is to construct a tableau of 3x3 green cards while on the 'outside' of this 3x3 grid create a row and column of award cards to score points off of the green cards. Thus creating an overall 4x4 grid - including the village card which will be in the top-left corner. Village Green uses the usual turn structure of having the active player complete their action then having play progress to the player on their left. The active player can take 1 of the following 2 actions.
Endgame There are 3 criteria which may end the game. If either the green card or award card deck is depleted, or a player has placed 9 green cards, then the end has been triggered. The current is completed and the game goes to scoring. Player score from the following sources: A face-up village card scored 1 VP Each visible pond scores 2 VPs. Award cards score all the (Up to 3.) cards in their respective row/column. Points are tallied, highest score wins. Overall
On a basic level, Village Green is a fair simple game - pick a card and play a card, which makes it straightforward and quick to understand. However, like all good games, it's easy to learn but hard to master and this is definitely the case with this game. What makes Village Green tricky is having to literally think 2 steps ahead. Players will need to pay attention to a green card's type and colour when playing it because it will influence what is played next to it. Not only is positioning important when playing a green card but the order in which they are played will matter too. E.g., putting a green card into the centre of the 3x3 grid means that all 4 orthogonally adjacent cards placed subsequently must match the flower type and colour for that card. If the centre card is played last, then it would have to match all 4 cards already played and that requires planning ahead. Matching 3 types and 3 colours might not seem difficult but remember, players will only have a hand of 3 green cards and a row of 3 cards to draft from. Sure, a player can keep drawing and discarding green cards to hopefully get what they need, but this can catch a player out. Once the deck is gone - it's game over. Additionally, while rinsing through green cards, other players may be completing their 3x3 grids, which is also game over. Ultimately, players will need to commit to taking some risks and play early cards with gaps between them for some wriggle room for placing later cards and also rely on a bit of luck to get what they need. Award cards are also tricky to manage but in a different way. Players start with three, which can be good as it gives each player a initial individual scoring target to aim for. However, as green cards get played and players may be forced to put them in certain positions thanks to type and colour, it may end up that a award card scores less, zero or even worse - negative VPs! Luckily, award cards can be nullified by covering them with other award cards later. This though raises another quandary for players to ponder. The later an award card is played in the game, the harder it will be to place in a way to maximise it's scoring potential. Finally, there's some potential for higher level play by watching what cards other players are putting down, trying to anticipate their actions and denying them what they need. Although, since some of the icons are so small, it can be physically tricky looking at other players' tableaus with leaning over them! All of these mechanics are good because they always provide players with meaningful decisions as they try and positions cards so that they match type and colour as well as scoring criteria. Having written all of that brings me to a drawback of the game, which is that it can be a harsh and unforgiving experience. Players will be frustrated when unable to play cards and are instead forced to discard. It's likely that some players will end up without all their possible green or award cards - I know I did on my first play. So despite being easy to learn, I'm not sure this is a game for more 'casual players'? If it 'groks' with them, they'll be fine. Otherwise it'll probably take a game or two to get handle on where to player cards. There's not denying it's a elegant, fairly engaging game. It plays quick enough and will provide players the challenge of being able to place all their cards and also optimise scoring opportunities. Definitely worth a try in my opinion. |
AuthorI play, I paint. Archives
March 2024