4th May 2019.
May the 4th and there are no Star Wars references in sight! It's a Saturday afternoon, so this this means it's time for 50 Fathoms to continue at 'The Sovereigns' in Woking. Location: Victoria. We now have the bare bones of a plan to get on to Coaker Island and need to acquire the military uniforms to do so. Captain Shia decides that we should travel to Kiera and find a 'house of disrepute' that is frequented by Kieran soldiers, disguise ourselves as 'staff' and steal the uniforms from the clients. Captain Shia appears to like this plan a bit too much and I'm now quite suspicious. Captain Shia decides that Win, Baxter and herself will disguise themselves as prostitutes to acquire the uniforms. Luckily I'm out of the running! We travel to Kiera, during the trip we spy a prominent building beneath the waves. We see some glinting emanating from the structure and come to a stop. After some work we calculate that the building is 21 yards down below the waves. Mongrel swims down to the building and then soon returns with his haul. He has returned with some coin and a sculpture. After this we go on our way. Later on we spot a distant ship that appears to be bearing in our direction. We press harder. The following day we pass another ship heading on a different heading. We slow enough to pass some information between the two, but none of it is of significance. During the night we spot the 1st ship again. However, without further incident we manage to reach the port of Kiera. The harbour is busy, there are many boats ahead. Frigates, galleons, junks, galleys etc. The port of Kiera appears to composed of flooded tall buildings. The top tier of buildings are black and gilded with gold! The tallest building appears to be surrounded with a glow? Before the flood, there used to be 9 tiers of building here. Because our boat, 'The Delilah' is so small, we are able 'jump' the queue into one of the smaller docks. As we come in, we can see how overpopulated Kiera is. Once we've tied up, the harbour master approaches and recommends some venues: The Dragon Inn The Whale Inn The Clean Kehanna And stay away from other establishments. Anyway, it's time to put the captain's plan into action. Shia flirts with the harbour master in order to elicit some information from him. But it turns out he's not a soldier so Shia loses interest. Shia, Win and Baxter head to the 4th tier looking for 'work'. The 3 of them are recruited into a brothel called 'The Black Canary' and 'put to work'. Shia & Win get Kieran soldiers as 'clients', meanwhile Win gets somebody from The East India Trading Company. Shia's client: Shia tells her client to undress and ties him up, promising him something 'special'. Shia then disappears with his clothes. Win's client: He is clearly someone important from The East India Trading Company, he has charts and Win sees he has a signet ring of some kind and there is residue of wax on it. Win plies him with alcohol until he falls unconscious and then steals all his stuff. But before she leaves Win leaves a note for him saying. 'I'm sorry, you seem like a really sweet guy. I promise to return your ring'. Only Win, only Win would rip someone off and leave them a note. Baxter's client: When I asked Baxter about his client and how he got his uniform. He refused to make eye contact, made his excuses and rapidly left. Later on I discovered that Baxter was seen entering his room and saying. "Whatever happens, no more is said.". He was also seen leaving his room at the same time as his client. They fleetingly glanced at each other before going their separate ways without a word... Part one of the plan is a success.
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